More kids and more hours— help!

@angel222 Check out Busy Toddler on instagram. She has a ton of activities that take a short time to set up and the kids will sometimes play with them for hours (sometimes seconds and they're done, but that's kids). She has 3 kids and is also super optimistic!
@angel222 If possible nap them in the farthest possible corners of the house from eachother and use a white noise machine or a fan.

I'm a big fan of natural consequences which your big kid is def old enough to understand. Tell him that if he doesn't nap, he won't have enough energy to go to the park, so mummy won't take him. If he's yelling and screaming tell him that isn't nice to those around him and if he can't be nice to those around him he won't be allowed to be with other people so he can sit in his room on his own. AKA time out, but the explanation is important.

For me the playground is the best thing ever. Big kid gets to run about and the littles can just be in the stroller while you walk or sit. Try to do it mid morning so big kid is more likely to be tired for nap time.
@angel222 Look for a mother's day out program if you can afford it. It's usually 10 hours a week (2 days of pre-school from like 9-2, here anyway). They also sometimes have a Pre-K that goes 4 days a week when it's time for that year. Usually sign ups start soon for next fall/spring. I know it doesn't solve your problem right this second, but it might help a little later. :)
@angel222 Depends on age of babies and experience! Weego is what you get when they're newborns, then the minimonkey twin will be good for the 2-3 month to 7-8mo range (basically between when they outgrow a weego and before they are sitting up to do a back carry.) Once they're sitting and bigger, use a front and back carrier to save your back! I had the twingo, but I've heard the naked panda duo is also good. Both of those will last you a long while! I wore both my twins until they were past 2 and it was a LIFESAVER!

Alternatively, you can learn to wrap.. and then you'd only need one size 7+ wrap for every phase from newborn on. But the only thing is, it takes a lot more practice!!!
@angel222 He needs his own quiet time. Start out with 15 minutes then get to 1 hour. I keep a baby monitor in my toddlers room. He is potty trained so he only needs my help when he poop’s! He has his toys set up in his room, keep his favorites up there.

Practice when your downstairs all together. Say play here next to me by yourself while your taking care of the babies. He can entertain 1 while you got the other. I also had my toddler “help” get you the wipes, hand you the diaper, give the babies a baby safe toy. Letting him “help” gives him a place even when the babies take up all your time. He is your “helper” and even if you can do it yourself he’s not pushed away feeling.

My toddler also has a tablet that he plays with. I give him free reign on it. He puts it down to play with his toys even though there is TV at his fingertips. Start a routine. Everyday start it the same time. So he knows and won’t fight you for it. Also while you get that time alone. Do a book together that is you and him time. Snuggle and then let him do quiet time and self play is great for him to learn. Then you get the break you need to gather yourself and get back to it when they wake up.

Good luck momma! You can do it!
@angel222 So now I get 2 hours a day while my younger still takes naps in the afternoon. 1st hour he plays by himself and the 2nd hour he can hang out around the house while I workout/chores and just roam. You will get there!
Well 1 hour for myself and then 2nd hour is up in the air. Sometimes we do an just us activity like baking or science project and reading.

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