F U one liners for more kids

@manonjourney Yup. I'm literally on anti anxiety meds and doing CBT sessions with a psychotherapist group that specializes in parents to try to work through the feeling of overwhelm I have now. It feels like I'm not a person anymore which is scary AF.
@vivienita Ugh sorry to hear that. Yeah, no one talks about the real and scary stuff that happens behind the scenes. This is why me looking at social media makes me wanna throw my phone across the room. All of these professional and perfect looking photos with them and their babies dressed up. Like it’s a good day if I can change out of my pjs (and into whatever leggings I can grab quickly and that I fit into) and put deodorant on. GTFO with the two kids thing. Like, I wanna have a life one day lol. 😒🙃
@mcc873 I also went through IVF to get pregnant, which I’ve been very open about, so I like to make people feel really dumb for asking me if I want more kids. Like, you don’t remember what I just went through to get through this one??

My husband likes to tell people he knows we “can make one good kid” but isn’t sure beyond that. People usually shut up because what do you say in response? They also sometimes seem to question themselves whether they were able to be solid people and parents to their entire brood.
@mcc873 Also 4 months PP and a one and done. I was always on the fence about kids. Now I have my son and he is my biggest blessing.


My one liner going forward is going to be “ fck off, postpartum has been brutal, I’m not doing this again”
@mcc873 You can people max uncomfortable by saying “I can only give my attention and care to one child, if I have another I’ll probably neglect their needs, unless you want to adopt them” and I bet they’d never ask again 🤣
@mcc873 Personally I like a straight forward approach:
-that’s personal and not your business
-are you going to pay for childcare?
-do you want me to be happy? (What I say when my mom brings it up)
-I know my limit and this is enough