Mom of 2 in a cross cultural marriage. Bragging moment to share my journey in Teaching them Arabic (has been a challenge..!)


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Mom of 2 here in a cross cultural marriage (I’m Jordanian and the hubby is American). We live in the US now and learning Arabic has been a challenge for my family. I’m a former teacher so I started building these for them. You guys it’s been working!!!!!!
They’re daily lessons, and I can hear them communicate more in Arabic! I shared with others and it’s been helping so many people that I’m committing to daily quality content. Who knew this would turn into a YouTube channel! Super proud and excited about this - especially when my 5 year old asks me questions in Arabic in Full sentences!

Here’s an example:

Ideas for new topics please?
@melchizedek99 Funnily enough, I recognized a lot of vocabulary from a book I read a while ago ("Married to a Bedouin"), so it was cool to see it in the videos.

I'd do wayfinding (where's the bathroom? where is the library? ) and how to decline something politely.
@melchizedek99 So cool! How did you do the animation work? My husband and I would love to do something like this for my daughter in his language (Latvian), as it’s difficult to find quality content.
@trueform That’s awesome! I use a combination of go animate, audacity and adobe captivate. I’m a nerd haha. It really is helping them and what’s even cooler is that I keep getting comments that it helps others as well which makes my heart so happy.. it’s like this online community more like a family learning together, which drives me to keep getting daily content out every day.
@christ_inme93 This truly made my day! I’m glad this will help you guys! Here’s the link to the channel and there’s close to 60 lessons out already around 10 minutes each. We just started the emotions series today and it digs deep :)
Welcome to my channel’s little family! Any topics? Please don’t hesitate to ask!
Channel link:
Emotions sadness (from today):