Missing 2 days of school


New member
My son is 6 now but will be 7 and in 1st grade when this will happen. I’m planning a trip to Disney world when Christmas decorations are up. I want to avoid thanks giving week and Christmas week due to crowds. Which will give me 3 weeks in between those dates but school will still be in!

I have my son 4 days; Thursday 9 am to Monday 9 am. So we would leave Thursday morning and come back Sunday morning! That means he would need to miss 2 days of school, Thursday and Friday! I personally don’t mind him missing 2 days of school because 1) it’s just 1st grade and 2) kindergarten is basically over and he has 0 absences and I expect that record to continue through 1st grade.

My issue is will I get in trouble with court for allowing my son to miss 2 days of school? I know I don’t need to ask my ex for permission to go out of state, I just need to let her know. But do I need her permission to allow my son to miss school even though it’s on my days?

Thank you everyone!!
@harley Given that you've agreed that your son goes to school, I'd just let your ex know that you are planning a vacation that would include your child missing two days of school due to vacation plans. I think at this age, it's not a huge deal - no tests, no massive things your son would be missing. I wouldn't just take your child on vacation and not tell your co-parent. That'd be unfair for them to not at least be notified.