I missing cooking dinner wholeheartedly

@snlmommy Cooking with babies and little kids is a nightmare, even with the perfect partner. Baby carriers make it a little better, but still not enjoyable. The only suggestion I have is to embrace meals you can prep/cook in the morning and eat at night. Yes, this will reduce options/quality, but think of it as a challenge.
@snlmommy My husband watched the kiddos for 1-2 hours on Sunday afternoons so that I can meal prep. I'll make something for dinner but I'll make 2-3x the amount so that I can freeze some for later in the next ~2 weeks. That way, during the week when things are hectic I can just pull a container of the freezer and defrost it. Then we have a home-cooked meal that we only need to put minimal effort into.

I made loads of hearty pasta sauces, soups with cheese biscuits, shepards pie, lettuce wrap fillings, chili, the filling for stuffed peppers, meatballs, etc. Most of the time, the most effort I have to put in to the meal is throwing rice in the rice cooker or boiling some noodles.