Miscarriage support


New member
I have seen a lot of miscarriage posts and want to act as a reassuring voice for those who have lost loved ones. My wife suffered a miscarriage and an ectopic and now we are at around 10 weeks gestation. I want to set the record straight on miscarriage risk. I feel that it should be normalized, but I also feel there is a gloom-and-doom attitude that makes people feel kind of hopeless (although the intent is different). What I have learned from my odyssey.

The majority of pregnancies end in miscarriage (chemical pregnancies) from the very onset due to the failure to implant and chromosomal abnormalities, but these risks subside later on and are relatively rare. Later miscarriages are often due to autoimmune disorders like lupus which is why the mother needs to be monitored and tested. The rate also drops dramatically further along and is not just a blanket number throughout.

Miscarriage can be predicted by checking the BPM of the fetal pole, gestational sac size, and the proportion of the sac vs the yolk sac. Missed miscarriage is only 1-5% of all pregnancies. I can go on.

Anyway, I am stating all this in order to give support and hope to all those that need it. Educate yourselves, read research papers (some are linked in the datayze page), take care of yourselves, and good luck.


@katrina2017 He’s talking about an estimate of fertilized embryos that never implant. I don’t think those count as pregnancies to be fair. Nobody would ever know that they happened.
@shakiraqadeera I'd imagine this is hard to prove though as chemical pregnancies so often go unnoticed. You'd have to test before your period is due which very few people do, even the ones who are actively trying. So I wonder how these numbers come about.
@nymichelle Well, it is hard to estimate, but it is possible to statistically measure it. They'd have to get a sample that is representative of the overall population and do hypothesis testing. I mean, this post wasn't meant to freak people out as these pregnancies are so early that nobody really notices them. I'm talking 3-4 weeks gestation, so it is to reassure those that do find out.