Miscarriage Questions


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Just learned from ultrasound our pregnancy cannot go forward. The doctor gave us three options, wait(natural), medicine to induce, or D&C. We are leaning towards d&c because it seems less emotionally taxing. Anyone have any insight on the Financial cost of that with insurance in the USA?
@leemills I just tallied everything up from that terrible week, insurance was billed $10,614 for a D&C MVA procedure with anesthesia. We will owe $822.98. This includes the ultrasound where they first saw a problem and the followup ultrasound to confirm. There's also an acupuncture appointment in there somewhere, she went in right before the first ultrasound because morning sickness had gotten so bad.

Medical billing and costs are a mess so it completely depends on your insurance, the provider, costs in your area, and who the hell knows what else.

My wife 100% knows she made the right choice with the surgical procedure, it took care of everything quickly and the recovery wasn't too much worse than a really bad period. She read a lot about how rough the pill method can be and how sometimes you have to get a followup surgery if everything isn't expelled. The gestational sac was continuing to grow despite the pregnancy being non viable so who knows when it would have ended on its own.