MFM Consult, Level 2 Ultrasound, Fibroids Fine, MTHFR is a nonissue?

Heyya all. Trigger warning for stillbirth, as usual.

Well, I am a big ball of emotions.

Baby is flailing it's little stubs in there. Heart rate is 180! (Please, please be a girl!) An inch long today. My due date was tweaked a day forward, so I'm 8+4 today, and I'm now due the 24th. My husband was gleeful at all the little baby bits. :) Baby was already up at my belly button because of my crazy uterus! Placenta is forming on the back wall, nicely up and away from my fibroids.

The MFM specialist, an older gent, was first of all very sympathetic, very nice, and blunt. This dude knows statistics off the top of his head and quoted scientific papers at me. I got a good feeling about him instantly.

AGAIN my records failed to get transferred. UGH. I am calling everywhere this afternoon, and I will camp out in my old OBs office till they hand me a copy personally. He had no genetic info or blood work or ANYTHING from my last pregnancy. I signed my releases. Pissed.

He asked me to tell him in detail how Zoe died. It was an emotional telling, and he interjected his professional opinion based on what I'd told him, which was again, cord accident. I guess it was nice to have an informed second opinion. He was concerned about the fact that I had high fluid levels with Zoe (no cause found) and the possibility of an undiagnosed genetic condition with her, and wants to get ahold of the records.

My 7 fibroids appear to be a non issue. They are going to watch them to make sure they don't grow. One near my back is calcifying (which could mean I'll have to deal with it dying off), but we'll cross our fingers and hope not. My biggest, about 4cm, is sitting right on my bladder, yuck. That's the one that's been all twitchy. Having a pregnancy where they were a non issue prior removed most of their serious concern. There's nothing to be done about them, as those of you with fibroids know!

He said, and I paraphrase: "MTHFR is a non issue. The other doctors treating with blood thinners are taking an unacceptable risk for no provable returns, and haven't read the literature. It has not been shown to complicate pregnancy. I will test you for everything I think might have been an issue again myself, and we will treat everything possible. I intend for you to bring a baby home, I promise you that. But you don't need Lovenox."

I just... Ugh. Flail. That's 2 doctors for, two against. This guy is really highly recommended. At some point I have to trust someone. I don't know what else to do. The info I have access to is out of date.

They are going to do weekly (at a minimum) NST after 32 weeks, extra ultrasounds after 20 weeks, and he plans to monitor fluid levels and blood flow and growth very carefully.

I was hoping to feel like things were under control after this visit, but instead I just feel like I get to cross my fingers and hope. I know that "treating" the MTHFR for emotional control reasons is not a good way to go.

Deep breaths, baby is healthy and wiggly.

@littlemelittleu2 Oh, I like this doc. He took you seriously and knows his shit. GOOD. You need that, dammit. After what you went through with Zoe, I can't imagine having to deal with a doc who does not understand and take it seriously. (I've read the story you posted, and it broke my damn heart...)

I wish there was something more helpful on the MTHFR stuff. Every time I see the acronym I mentally call it the "motherfucker" issue because man, it sure sounds like that's what it is.

I know it's hard, but you're doing everything right. You're taking extra care, you're being heavily monitored by people who know their shit, and they are taking this very seriously to avoid another cord accident.

So are your fluid levels high already, or was that just with Zoe? I wasn't clear on whether that was both or just with her.

You appear to be in good hands, and even though this is crazy stressful and obviously you have a damn good reason to worry, I am going to cross my fingers for everything here turning out perfectly. ((((hugs))))
@johnboy99 Thanks. Yes, he was deadly serious, and came in and said "I wish you weren't here, your case sucks."

Yup. And amusingly, I have totally told people trying to remember what it's called to consider that an apt nemonic. Lol

High fluid levels were with Zoe, after 30 weeks. They did a detailed exam of her digestive tract etc, and found no noticeable issues.

This MFM tells me that if the cord was already around her neck tightly at that point (and often they can't see the cord in detail) then it may have been restricting her ability to swallow and process the fluid. Makes you sick to hear, but it makes sense.

Really hoping we don't have a repeat on the fluid levels! Thank you for the good vibes! :)
@johnboy99 The motherfucker! Hahahaha you make me laugh hard! That was a good one.
Everytime I saw it in my papers I think the same, it is a shitty stuff that very few know how to treat.
@littlemelittleu2 I am so happy to read this, seriously. And I mean happy in the context of what sounds like a really qualified, competent physician. You need one of those - for peace of mind (and trust) if nothing else.

It's early still, but just keep truckin' along day by day, appointment by appointment and you'll get through to the end of this and get to bring your baby home
@b3789 Thank you!

And yeah, I agree about the doc. He made a point of warning me off Google, and said very bluntly that stillbirth is so terrible because it's still largely a mystery even for experts, and desperate folk look for answers. The odds of it happening to us again with all this extra testing and monitoring are very low. I am finding my zen!! ;)
@littlemelittleu2 Hi there! I totally meant to get back to you after my OB appointment re: the MTHFR stuff. The week just got away from me, sorry!!

First, let me just say that you are such an amazingly strong person. To be in the position that you are in now - pregnant again after such a late loss - that takes a lot of strength and resolve. I really commend you.

As for the MTHFR - I was hoping my OB would have just said 'yeah I totally agree w/ the hematologist and your RE on this one.' She didn't.

She basically said - in so many words - that she wants to understand my hematologist's thinking with the lovenox - because it really isn't proven that lovenox helps in this scenario.

I told her that the reason the hematologist put me on it was due to my unexplained loss and my father's health history (likely subdural hematoma) - she still didn't seem totally sold by the idea. Having said that - she said to continue to take it, and she would call the hematologist after her vacation (she is off this week). But that likely she would go with the hematologist's recommendation and perhaps talk to her about stopping it after the first trimester.

What she DID say is that there is no way that MTHFR led to my miscarriage. So of course now I am really upset because it makes me feel like the miscarriage was somehow my fault (I know that is impossible and irrational) -- because that is the only possible explanation that I have (all chromosomes came back normal etc).

So yeah. Bottom line. No real answer. Unfortunately, I think there is a difference of opinion all over the place, and you should trust whomever is giving you the 'lead' opinion (in this case, your OB). My RE even admitted that this is a controversial treatment -- so she wasn't totally surprised when I told her that the OB wasn't fully on board yet.

I am sorry the above doesn't help much - BUT at least it does show you that it is normal that you are finding these differences of opinion! Let me know what you decide to do treatment wise.

Also, if you want to chat, feel free to PM me -- I know a pregnancy post-loss - especially w/ these issues - can be really scary. I am always here for support!!
@soldier4ujesus Hey, no worries! I appreciate your details. And thanks for the support. :)

I know all too well the feeling of wanting something to blame for your loss. And being upset when you don't have it anymore. I think the hard truth is, sometimes you're dealt a bad hand - bad shit happens. And there is almost zero chance that anything you or I were responsible for or could have controlled would have changed the outcomes.

That doesn't mean it'll happen again.
@littlemelittleu2 thanks, v....your perspective is amazing, and i so appreciate the kind words. i think you are absolutely right - it just takes someone else to remind me of it :)

i'm glad you are feeling good w/ the decision. i am curious to see what happens after my OB speaks to the hematologist. and i am willing to trust whatever information is given to me. keep me posted, for sure!! in the mean time, wishing you nothing but smooth sailing here on out -- we both deserve it!!!!! xo
@littlemelittleu2 I also admire you for your strength. I am dealing with RMC/RPL, 7 losses still childless.

I have a C mutation of the Motherfucker. I had a complete blood profile done a pediatric hematologist/oncologist and it says in black and white that I don't need to use it. You have to have more than that one mutation for it to have any negative effect on pregnancy. I can email you his explanation and info for reference. He is a practices at Rush Medical Center on Chicago.

I am not saying it to dispute anything. I'm just sharing my information.

Sounds like you are doing great and you are in good hands! I hope you get to take more deep breaths in a couple of weeks. You are doing great! Hang in there!
@rhavon Thanks!

I am homozygous (two copies) a1298c, and there are varying opinions on whether or not it's a concern.

My first doctor was concerned and told me I would've on blood thinners, my sister, who is also pregnant, has been put on Lovenox.

And my new OB and the MFM say nope, no need to worry. It's frustrating there is a lack of consensus, especially with our history, but I am doing my best to stay zen! :)
@littlemelittleu2 If my next doctor would recommend to take it I would probably do. Sounds like it's one of those cases. It can't harm you.

:) good luck with everything! I'm rooting for you even though you don't know me!
@littlemelittleu2 Hugs! Glad baby is well, such a cute little gummy bear.

That's such a frustrating place to be, wanting to feel like you're doing everything possible to keep the odds in your favor yet just having to wait and see. It is good to hear that your doctor is so on top of his game though. It's hard to put our faith in the hands of doctors, but this one sounds like he's definitely on your side.

Keeping you in my thoughts