Mentally struggling not being able to hold my baby

@thelearner92 I had to wait an entire day to see my little girl, 6 days to hold her and an entire week and a half before I could give her skin to skin. I feel your pain. It was horrible, felt like I was breaking apart every day. Therapy was and still is incredibly helpful. I did a specialized treatment called ART, it’s very intense but really helped me take control of the things that happened to my family that made us feel so powerless.
@gwenyth I can absolutely feel compassion for someone who is young and struggling with drug addiction. Addiction is not a choice. It’s a disease. One that needs treatment. She’s already in a bad spot, no sense in shaming her to make it worse.
@christiandiscernment I don't think proudly bragging about dismissing problematic behavior is the flex you believe it to be...but as someone who did their time in further education, I can speak with certainty on addiction. I get paid the big bucks to do so. Perhaps you would do well to learn that you shouldn't speak on topics you clearly do not comprehend or have the extensive education on.
@thelearner92 Hi, I had my son 2 years ago at 32 weeks, and he was healthy at 4 lbs. We stayed 3 weeks in the nicu. All you can do is ask for skin to skin when they do the checks and feedings every 3 hours. Sometime, they will let you change the diaper. But they have to chart if the baby peed or pooped. I stayed 24/7 at the hospital and focused on pumping and skin to skin. Your baby needs to be in the incubator to grow more. And the nurses are there to help. All you can do is be there as well. Oh, and you can help when they give the baths as well. 🙂
@thelearner92 I can completely understand the frustration and disappointment that you can hold your baby. I had a similar experience, I could barely see her when they wheeled me down to her in my bed. I had been put on a magnesium drip prior to delivery and of course had a spinal block so I couldn’t walk. They couldn’t even get my bed in far enough to be able to see her tiny little body. As I type this we are 10 wks in and now I can pick her up whenever I want and snuggle her. Have patience, it does get easier.

There’s a ton of helpful information in the other responses. Dear NICU Mama is a great podcast and Instagram acct to help you through this. 🩷 sending you lots of love
@thelearner92 Not giving your baby drug addictions in utero might help. It also helps to not be foul and keep choosing drugs and dick while crying about CPS maybe removing your child from your filthy home.