Make your dental appointments


New member
Just a reminder for new mommies to make and go to your dental appointments. They are important. I was pregnant during covid and my dentist office was closed. There was another dentist office I could've probably went to, but I avoided there because I visited 2 separate times before covid & they did x-rays but told me I just had sensitive teeth & no cavities. I found and went to my new dentist about 3 months after the 2nd visit & was told I had cavities.

So yeah, avoided that place & it was always packed. There was another dental place but my insurance wasnt taken. I had my child in December 2022 via c-section, she was suppose to be born in February 2023. I did get an appointment for my dentist when they finally opened back up in May 2023, but I moved in with family to get away from my child's father, which is over an hour away.

Fast forward to today, I have to get 2 root canals & and have a couple cavities. I also learned that my child can get cavities if I had them during pregnancy. I feel extremely bad about my daughter, also frightened for myself because I thought I would just need a filling on 1, maybe 2 teeth. I'm working to find her a dentist but no one close by is taking anyone under 5 or 8.

So if you can, please see a dentist.
@p8089 Also, if you're pregnant hot tip to check your insurance, some will allow you to get more cleanings during the time period of your pregnancy than during a similar time period of no pregnancy.
@p8089 Oh for sure. My mom had me at 25 and my sister at 27… by 29 she needed so many teeth pulled on the top they just took them all and gave her a denture. No dental issues prior to pregnancy, but apparently we just wrecked her teeth. Made me terrified. I went during my first trimester, third trimester, 3 and 6 months postpartum just to be sure 🥲
@neuroclusterbrain This happened to my sister. She has always avoided the dentist. I'm at 4mo pp and I'm trying to get my vehicle back to schedule a cleaning. I NEED it because having a baby is causing me to forego a ton of dental care.
@p8089 My gums itched so bad during pregnancy I made the soonest appointment I could. My hygienist was pregnant too. About 2 months ahead of me and got my teeth so clean. I also bonded with her baby because her belly was so big and against my face lmao
@p8089 Yep, I have severe anxiety around dental work and going to the dentist. I put it off for 3 years, including throughout my pregnancy and having my daughter. I finally, finally mustered up the courage to go to the dentist, and I need to have a tooth extracted and an implant put in. It's going to cost me over $5k. For anyone reading this, don't be me!!!
@p8089 My wife went to the dentist the other day. First time in 10 years but she wanted to get checked out after having our twins.
Needed a crown which turned into a root canal. Get em checked
@p8089 I had to have a tooth extracted at 38 weeks because I’d neglected it too long, HG vomiting during my pregnancy wore it down MORE, and it abscessed. Take. Care. Of. Your. Teeth.
@p8089 I love this tip! My first “outing” alone after having both of my kids was to the dentist! With my first, it was a routine cleaning…with my second it was due to a massive infection that led to a root canal.
@gellybean90 How was your root canal? I'm trying to ease my nerves, haven't been scheduled for it yet. I don't have an infection or anything, just sensitivity when air flows through it & cold water. And it gives me a headache, weirdly enough, only at night
@p8089 I’m 99% sure everything about my experience that was terrible was due to the raging infection that had spread from my tooth into my jaw…I was like 4 weeks postpartum (emergency c-section) and the pain I was in was worse then my birth recovery. The root canal itself (like getting the dental work done) was easy peasy. I was so relieved to have them extracting the infection. I was awake the whole time but they gave me gas to calm me and headphones to listen to music…I just laid and was numbed. It was 2 appointments to complete the actual root canal and then 2 appointments to get the crown. Get it done sooner rather than later…DO NOT LET IT GO. I should have seen signs that something was wrong prior to the infection…sensitivity, sore jaw, etc. but assumed it was a tmj flareup due to exhaustion/postpartum/stress. Just get it done, don’t risk an infection!
@gellybean90 Funny enough, my jaw started hurting after my dental appointment today. I'm definitely going to do it, just nervous because root canal just sounds painful lol, but I've read and seen that it's comparable to getting a filling somewhat, and the dentist just made me nervous when she spoke lol.

My insurance is doing something new now .. well it's a little over 2 years old ... but they have to get the information from the dentist then approve or deny dental work .. fillings, root canals, implants, etc. I should get an answer next week which is too long for me lol
@p8089 This! As someone who is cavity prone I have been waiting to be no longer pregnant so that I can go to the dentist. Excited (is that weird to say? Lol) to go soon
@katvan1969 You can go to the dentist, for a cleaning - my dentist encouraged me to do so in fact, and if a cavity needs treatment they just use a different freezing agent than they usually do as there is one that's safe for pregnancy.

If you're gag reflex is still sensitive they can work around that.
@p8089 Yup, I went to the dentist after giving birth and I had 4 cavities despite vigorous brushing, flossing, and mouth washing throughout my pregnancy!!! How does that even happen?! Got all 4 filled in one session to avoid making more than one trip, it wasn’t pleasant!
@cdg93 I don't want to make multiple appointments for my appointments either. I don't care if I have to sit there all day. I'll love it if they put me to sleep too 😂