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I am a 4-H agent. I am hosting a planting event for kids ages 5-10 from 9-1. We’re going to be decorating flower pots, learning about soils and seed germination, planting seeds in mini greenhouses, and planting flowers. At noon, we’re going to wrap up, eat, and complete a kid friendly evaluation.

I informed parents that we will be providing a “light lunch”. I have a kid allergic to dyes and a lactose intolerant kid. I am trying to be free of all major allergens as well.

I need to know if I am feeding the kids enough. I have baby carrots, pretzels, grapes, cutie oranges, cheese sticks, cucumber slices, and sunflower butter. We also have water and caprisuns for drinks. Is this okay? I’ve gotten mixed responses. I am thinking like a kid friendly charcuterie. We don’t have a place to order food from or even pizza in my area and we don’t have time to cook a full meal.

Please let me know your honest thoughts. Thank you!
@dkalista Sounds great! The kids will load up on the things they like most. I did a kids' charcuterie for my daughter's party, and it was a hit. For a more lunch feel, I'd add another starch and protein option. Roasted chick peas, edamame, popcorn, and tortilla chips come to mind.
@gausej1 That’s what I was hoping for! They get to fill up on food they like without worrying about allergens. We live in a food desert so it’s hard to find allergen free foods. Thanks! I will look into adding another carb for sure.
@dkalista What you're describing, to me as a parent, sounds more like snacks than "lunch".

I'd maybe consider sandwiches or something. Gluten can be an allergy, but if a kid shows up that can't have gluten, they can just stick with the other snacks. Some mayo and some bologna (or whatever is cheap there... sometimes it's ham, roast beef, chicken)? Happy kids!

If bread is expensive, you can try wraps/pinwheels.

I personally don't mind snacks, but I also know how much my 10 year old boy eats for a meal. lol
@anonymouslizard I have always been a fan of snacks over meals so that’s definitely playing into this. As a grown adult, I eat a bunch of snacks like this for dinner and find kids love having the options. I’m just worried about the perspective of older parents since I’m young. Thanks for your feedback. I’ll definitely consider making finger sandwiches or something to go with it