New member
My LO is 3 weeks and I’m dealing with a low supply. I ended up with an unplanned c-section after not going into labour after my water broke. My milk didn’t start coming in till after 5 days PP. I’ve been supplementing using a SNS. I feed every two to three hours with the SNS and latch the baby to breast in between when she’s fussing which is honestly anytime she’s awake. Which makes it very difficult to have any time for pumping sessions. I take Domperidone and herbs (fenugreek, blessed thistle and moringa.) I also have PCOS so not sure if that could be contributing to the low supply as well. I’m at a loss on what more I can do. I feel like nothing is working to up my supply and I’ve had to up the amount of supplement the past week from 40mL to 50 sometimes 60mL. I had the same issues with my first and was hopeful I can get it right this time around. I’ve been making sure to eat more and drink a lot of water, the baby is constantly latched, we even got a lip and tongue tie released to make sure she’s got the best latch, I do breast compressions during nursing. I can’t pump barely more than 5 mL and have to supplement with formula. I feel like a failure and it makes me hate breastfeeding when it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. I do have a midwife that helps me out with breastfeeding but I don’t know If anyone has any other ideas on what I can do. I feel like I’ve exhausted everything but I’m open to suggestions.