Loss of symptoms


New member
I had a miscarriage 2/11 of this year. My hcg for that pregnancy seemed low 300s at week 6. This pregnancy my hCG was in the 40,000s. Progesterone was 23.7. Next labs 4 days later my hCG is in the 75,000s and my progesterone was 20. I should have pushed for continued testing until my appointment tomorrow to watch my progesterone but my primary said everything was fine until I see my OBGYN.

Im 8w5d currently. 2 days ago at 2 am I woke up to some bleeding, about enough to fill a panty liner. I put a pad on to track it and went back to bed. Nothing when I woke up a few hours later. But now I’ve had light cramping, and I woke up this morning without morning sickness which had previously been really bad every single day without fail. I feel like my breasts aren’t swollen and tender as they were either. I can’t tell if it’s all in my head. I’m trying to just breathe and make it until my appointment tomorrow. 12 years ago, I had a similar experience with the high hcg and bleeding when I was pregnant with my son where we found out I was pregnant with twins but one had died and been absorbed. And as awful as that was I’m praying that’s what this is and I’ll still have one healthy baby at the end of it all. I don’t know if I can handle another miscarriage so soon.

ETA: my miscarriage earlier this year was a missed miscarriage. The baby stopped growing around 6-7 weeks and I didn’t know until 9 weeks then didn’t pass anything until after 10 weeks.

UPDATE:I had my appointment today and baby heartbeat was 169 and everything looked normal!! I am SO happy. Thank y’all for everything
@parabolas Sending you love 💕 I’m 9w today and freaking out about losing symptoms. The fluctuation is normal but the bleeding is scary. I hope tomorrow brings joy!
@parabolas I think you should see your OBGYN. Even if the bleeding is not a miscarriage it could be something else they need to monitor. I've had it pretty much drilled in by my OBGYN to see them/contact them for any bleeding including spotting.
@parabolas Sorry I missed that in your post! Wishing you lots of luck tomorrow. I know it's a really nerve wrecking time right now till you see her. Just know it's not an automatic sign at all, and try to stay distracted if you can!!
@parabolas I hope tomorrow brings answers! I had an SCH bleed in early pregnancy (around 6 weeks). I had really intense cramping and a gush of bright red blood with very little blood after. I just put that baby to sleep a few minutes ago!
@parabolas First I want to say that I am so sorry you are going through this, I understand how unbelievably stressful it can be to be in your position. If it's any consolation at all, with my son (who is now 8 months) I bled a lot the first few weeks and didn't feel any symptoms. The Dr I saw even told me I was miscarrying (my first pregnancy was a missed miscarriage, followed by a successful pregnancy with my daughter and my pregnancy previous to my son was a blighted ovum) and it turned out she was wrong and when I went in for an ultrasound at 9 weeks he was there with a strong heartbeat. I know it doesn't always work out that way, but hold out hope the best you can until you get a firm answer!
@parabolas If you’re having a miscarriage, the blood will continue and will get heavier. I would watch this over the next hours and days and also try to see your doctor. As for symptoms, I am 7w3 days and mt symptoms are whack. One day I have none at all and then the next day I feel terrible. I suffer an entire night with the worst breast pain and then in the morning my breasts feel completely normal, no pain at all. So far my pregnancy is progressing well. I understand your concern around symptoms though because I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks last but my symptoms never really even started in that pregnancy.
@marina1 My miscarriage earlier this year was a missed miscarriage. I should have mentioned that. I spotted off and on for 2 weeks until i went in for a scan and they told me there was no heartbeat and even after that it took 2 more weeks for the actual miscarriage to start. So I guess that is what I’m worried about happening again.
@parabolas I was about to comment that a miscarriage does not mean you will bleed more at all. I also had a missed miscarriage a month and a half ago and I was the same, spotting on and off. I hope for the best for your though!
@parabolas I had the same, the bleeding can stop some days indeed and it can take weeks before the actual miscarriage comes! I didnt lost my pregnancy symptoms all that weeks when i was bleeding, i only lost my breast tenderness like 2 days for the actual miscarriage.

I saw totally no red flags with symptoms stopping , in that missed miscarriage pregnany, and i felt relaxed and good about that pregnancy:/

Good luck OP hope the best for you! 50% it will be all okay!
@parabolas Sending love to you 💕 the first trimester is so stressful, especially when you have experienced loss. If it helps, I am 14w5d and lost all symptoms at 8 weeks and I spotted on and off until 10 weeks. We saw baby girl yesterday and everything was perfect. It’s hard to not think the worst but just know the odds are in your favour :)
@ramson Thank you!! Morning sickness came back rearing its ugly head this morning and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to throw up! It’s about 7 am here now and my appointment is at 3 pm today so I will let everyone know how it goes