Looking for Twins resources!


New member
My wife and I just found out we are expecting twins in April! We already have a 3 year old. We’re already overwhelmed by the news but we’re excited as well.

If anyone has any great resources for parenting twins and a 3.5 year old, send them our way! Thanks!!
@gaelsbee My sister had twins whilst having a three year old too!! She joined a local ‘twin group’ which was helpful - similar to an NCT group but just for parents expecting twins. Maybe you could look for something like that? I know she’s still in touch with them (and her twins are two now!!)
@gaelsbee Congratulations!
I have 5 month old twins, plus 2, 6, and 7 yr olds.
I found a couple of books that were helpful in educating me on what to expect with lots of advice for how to cope, esp. in a situation with other, older children.
One of the books was ‘Dads guide to raising twins’ (from memory). So maybe jump on a local book sellers website and look for similar books - cross ref with reviews on Amazon or Google.
Best of luck!
@gaelsbee Congrats!!! We have 2 month old twins and a 4 year old. It's a wild ride. Twiniversity.com just came out with a "parenting twins after a singleton" course. We took their full course, and it was definitely useful. Plus their whole site is full of useful articles and reviews.

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