Looking for C section experiences

@mikesb I’m trying the spinning babies stuff definitely! It’s more of my journey to pregnancy was really emotionally tough and you get used to the shoe always dropping. I’m so lucky IVF worked and I got pregnant so this feels like the shoe finally dropping lol. It’s not logical but I’m just having a hard time staying optimistic.
@praskovia I had an emergency c section with my first. I started strength training about a year postpartum, and I’ve continued to strength train throughout my second pregnancy.

My recovery time was rough to say the least. I struggled just to walk around the block for the first few months. I had zero strength and my husband had to assist me in doing exercises once I felt like trying to exercise again (it was wayyy past six weeks). I couldn’t even do one squat by myself, I could barely get down to halfway with assistance.

It was pitiful tbh.

Took me around six months to start feeling like I could start trying to do normal things again. I got into weight lifting about a year postpartum because I was finally getting my strength back.

When my MIL was pregnant, her baby was breech all the way up until 38/39 weeks. Then the baby flipped days before she went into labor, if that gives you any hope on baby flipping!
@praskovia No experience but I was listening to a barbell mamas podcast (well worth a listen, podcast is done by a pelvic floor physio who also strength trains/crossfits) and she was saying that c section deliveries tend to get back to lifting a bit easier than vaginal delivery (but gymnastics are more difficult to get back to), main exception was barbell snatches because of the C section scar

Also Tia Clair Toomey had an emergency C section and seems to be flying back! I know she's an elite athlete so you can't really compare but still very interesting to watch her back training
@praskovia Perfect! I had a pelvic issue because baby was breech, but I did PT for 3 months. Then, I came back to the gym and went almost every day 💪🏻 Now, I’m pregnant with baby #2 and it’s going to be another c-section (BTW, I did IVF in both pregnancies)
@praskovia I have had a c-section & then a vbac 3 years later. My c recovery was so much faster with fewer complications. The incision is almost invisible now. I had no DR with either pregnancy. My milk came in just as quickly both times.
Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences! It’s so nice to have good experiences to read and it’s really helped the doom and gloom I was feeling!