***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me


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This was last night. I picked him up from his father’s family on Monday morning after he was quarantined there for two weeks. (He was sick and so were the other family members.)

We have a small apartment, but I have a huge office. I have his Xbox set up in one of the office rooms that I use as a kitchenette/ break room / storage. Since he’s doing online school now due to covid, I wanted to make this spare office conducive to learning/ his personal space. All day I spent moving boxes out to another storage area, setting up a desk for him, and even decorated it for him with some of his favorite figurines, posters, my grandpa’s antique baseball stuff, etc. All this with no help, and a half ass job if he did do anything, which was hardly anything, if at all.

After a loooong tired day, we ended up leaving the office at 1 am. (I’m a tax accountant and it’s tax season.). My son practically spent the whole day playing video games. During the afternoon, my mother stopped by to bring me a birthday cake (bday was a few days ago), brownies and pizza. This kid ended up eating almost two whole pizzas and all of the brownies without asking/offering the last few to any to anyone else. He knows better than that. And during this time I was working in my office and hadn’t realized he had done that. But he knows better.

Anyway, after I was finally tidied up and ready to go, I kindly asked him to clean up his mess of empty bottles and trash on the floor. He whined and whined about everything...putting his sweater on, cleaning up, putting his shoes on, anything and everything. I didn’t mention that for years he has found it entertaining to make my head to spin (I’m working on not letting him affect my peace). I held my patience as long as I could, until I saw one of my cell phones sitting on the coffee table... a cell phone I carefully tucked away in my bags. He very well knows not to go into my bags/purse period, and to not touch my phone without my permission. (In the past he’s hacked into my phone, changed the restriction settings on his phone, and lied about it.). Bottom line, he’s lost my trust and is not allowed to touch my phone.

That was my last straw. I told him that he was losing his phone privileges for ONE day. He went into a complete rage, and threw a two year old like tantrum even through he’s over 6ft tall going on 14. Throwing himself on the floor, kicking, yelling, crying, the works. He then he leaves angrily and sits in the car. As I’m walking to my car, I’m carrying two heavy bags and a bunch of empty card board box trash. Did he help me? Of course not. As I’m putting the stuff in the car, he screams at the top of his lungs, “I hate you you fcking bitch. Fck you n*gga.” (And no, we aren’t black). Even if we were, still 🙄. This is the third huge tantrum since I picked him up Monday morning.

I was a teen parent and have continuously worked to better my life, mental health, physical health, to be a good role model, provide a safe, loving, stable home with routine. But today I really don’t want to be a parent. I’m drained. Thanks for listening! Hope you all have a wonderful day.
@mariahhgrim If I could count the times my girls acted like this as teenagers...we are through it now and my daughter said to me the other day “I was such an asshole mom, I’m sorry “. I feel for you but don’t give up. You are doing well. Don’t take it personally but also just matter of fact walk away and don’t let yourself be a doormat. “I love you but you are being disrespectful and I don’t deserve that” period. If you cry or get emotional it will be worse. My kids are 18, 22 and 23. It does get better.
@katrina2017 That’s probably true on a subconscious level. But he is not grasping the reality, which I don’t expect considering his age. But he has repeatedly said to me that he’s on vacation, regardless of how much explaining I do.
@mariahhgrim i am sorry for you... when we are teens we can be difficult and sometimes outright horrible. I am sure social distancing is adding pressure on it all.

Send you a hug and wish you the best.
@mariahhgrim Oh hell no. I grew more angry the further I read... but hell no.

So for starters, I’m Black. It’s not okay that he used the n-word, but I trust that you spoke to him about that. I’m Black and would smack the Black off my son if he used it. So please understand it isn’t ok, even if your son were Black.

Does he have access to social media? Friends, or perhaps strangers he talks to over the video game headset? That could be where he is picking up that language, and more specifically, that term.

As a 5th grade teacher for years & as a mom to be... I personally would’ve popped him. But not everyone takes that approach. Has he ever received a spanking while you’ve been raising him? Just curious. I know many people are against it... but some kids do need that.

At this point, definitely revoke all privileges & don’t fold. Just from everything you’ve told me... not helping you lift a single thing, greedy gutting all of the food, the tantrum, the language... he sounds spoiled. You said in another comment that there are no rules or consequences when he is with other family members. Spoiled, and he’s gonna always act out with you because of it.
@jag15 Thanks for your reply 🙏🏼 we’re mixed white and Hispanic. We live in Long Beach CA. His school has predominantly black students and his friends are mostly black kids. I’m sure he hears it all the time. They play basketball together and play video games online on their headsets. But that’s no excuse.

Yes, I’ve given him his whoopings before when they were called for, but few and far in between, especially since he’s gotten older. The last time in September, he got smacked for being completely disrespectful and he ended up punching me in the chest and tried to intimidate me. The next morning he went to school and got in trouble about something unrelated with another student and got sent to the principal’s office. I guess he got scared and asked to go to the counselor. He told the counselor that I was abusing him and that I was trying to molest him.

I had emergency social services unit at my house. It was so stressful and put me into a deep depression. The betrayal. I told her the truth about everything regarding his behavior, how I’ve been in therapy, put him in therapy, I’ve had to start taking meds for panic attacks because my chest feels tight like I’m going to have a heart attack. She completely sided with me (even on the whoopings) and said that he’s an entitled brat. She was so upset at the bogus story since there’s actual kids out there really getting abused. She told me, keep doing your best and on the day after his 18th birthday, if he continues, give him the boot!

I’ve really felt in my heart that we should move out of state. The other family and my mother are only making the situation worse and I feel like he’s going to end up wrecking his life if he continues on this path.
@mariahhgrim I think it’s more than just the behavior of his other family members. Punching you, telling lies on you to school officials... those are signs of something deeper. I’m glad you have/had him in therapy. Is there anything the therapist has recommended that’s been working? This is really tough.

I can’t tell if he’s emulating kids at school, or if it’s something else he might need to be evaluated for.
@jag15 I’m afraid your right. The family therapist has made it a point for me to have clear expectations and rewards/consequences. Which I’ve been doing. I’m just a tired mama now lol. After our family therapy is done, he will transition to an individual therapist. Hopefully they can do a better job of getting to the root of the issue.
And get his father involved. He needs to speak to a man about his behavior, and furthermore, how he spoke to you. If his father isn’t strong enough, choose another male in his life to sit down & speak with him.
@jag15 Unfortunately, his father hasn’t been of much help his entire life. But I’m thinking of a few positive male role models to reach out to. Thanks again.
@mariahhgrim Wow really sorry you’re going through this. No real advice as my son is only 4, but he kinda pulls that card on my too. Not really cussing, but like sort of verbal abuse. Every time he gets in trouble he says, “ you don’t love me !” It hurts my feelings and I try to explain to him that not matter what, I love him. It’s hard during his tantrums to think and feel that way, but if you can it helps you react more positive, which usually leaves them confused, and sometimes more willing to just go along with whatever you say. Sounds weird, but maybe his tantrum is really more similar to that of a toddlers anyhow. Maybe he needs positive attention to right now. Even if he doesn’t necessarily deserve it. Does he get treated fairly well by his fathers family ??

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