Long last wake window


New member
Our daycare has a nap time for all its babies at 12 noon, but our kid (8.5 months) is getting close to dropping to two naps so we're trying to work out how this will work.

At daycare, naps vary quite a bit, but on a typical day its something like : baby wakes at 7, naps 9-10, 12:15-1:45, 4:30-5, and bedtime is at 8. On average 3hrs naps and 11hrs night sleep.

I'm still struggling to understand how a 2 nap day would work - daycare suggest they still do the morning and midday nap, but then we end up with a very long last wake window (e.g. 6hrs if he managed to sleep until 2pm and we kept him up to 8).

Is this something that works in practice? It doesn't seem right to me.

Only thing I could think is whether we could shift his whole day forwards (e.g. wake at 6, bedtime at 7), but that's quite challenging for our work schedules, and still a 5hr window.

Or we keep a tiny micro nap in the the afternoon evening until he'd be ready to properly drop to 1 nap and be past this issue?

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