Leaving baby?

@sherina Not at all. We are a month ahead of you and he’s only been left once alone with my mum without one of us there (he was 4 weeks old, we were gone for barely 1.5 hours and he slept the whole time so as far as he was aware we never left him!). A second time I was out for barely an hour but my boyfriend was WFH upstairs.

Currently I’d only be comfortable in an emergency situation even though I trust my mum completely with him. Other people I know leave their babies with grandparents multiple times a week for most of the day so it all depends on how you feel and there is no correct or right time.
@sherina My daughter is 20 months old. Ans while she goes to nursery for 3 hours every day, I still haven’t been able to leave her for a few hours with someone while I go anywhere (nursery is within my compound and approx 2 min walk so I feel like I’m close by enough)

Everyone is ready for this at different times, take your time
@sherina I felt funny today leaving my 5mo in the car with his grandma while me and my partner went into a store for less than 5mins. No distrust whatsoever and all MIL did was chat to him from the front seat but I was highly aware that neither my partner or I was with him. I think it was the first time that had happened and it felt super strange. So no not crazy, everyone has their own feelings.
@sherina I personally was fine with leaving for a few hours at that age, I remember leaving with my husband to go get a haircut and have lunch together as a mini date while he was with grandma. By 6 months he was in daycare full time so obviously it's different for each family. But for me, I don't see a big difference between napping while grandma watches the baby and leaving for a bit while grandma watches the baby. That said, I had my first time away from the baby at only a couple weeks old to go out for dinner. We were gone for less than 2 hours and my dad had wasted 4 ounces of my pumped milk when the baby wasn't really hungry. So obviously I was comfortable with it a lot earlier than you are and that's not a problem.
@sherina You’re not crazy. My baby girl is 1. The in-laws have offered to watch her without us, aka sleeping over. But I’m not ready. Also I’m still breastfeeding and she cosleeps with us so no, it’s not happening. Besides, they’re old and my daughter never stops lol she’d wear them out. If it’s the alone time they want with your baby and they keep pushing, you have to ask yourself why they want you gone? To me that raises alarm bells.
@sherina Totally normal. I hate leaving my baby when I don’t have to. The only other person I like him being with when I’m available is his dad. And he’s 13 months now. Not that I’m unreasonable about it. But I just get this feeling… not quite guilt. Not sure what it is. But if I’m available, even when I wish I could have a break, I don’t want him that far away. I like him close even when he’s driving me crazy.