Ladies with an IUD (Skyla, Mirena, ParaGuard), have you had a problem with acne? (x-post r/AskWomen)


New member
I got my IUD in August. Until then, I literally never had a problem with acne. Ever. Now, as of a couple months ago, I have been getting breakouts on my forehead and chin. Tried everything I can think of to get rid of it, NOTHING WORKS. It's extremely frustrating, because I've always been used to having flawless skin and all of a sudden I have huge red zits all over my face. Gross. I also get it on my chest, just below my collarbones. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this as well (getting IUD inserted, then having problems with acne), and what you do to keep it under control?
@slappee I experienced this with my Mirena for a few months. I'd get a few red bumps around my chin and jawline, seeming to flare up right before my period. It's settled down now (five months in), and now maybe I get one or two small zits a month. In the meantime, try to stick to a sensible routine - gentle face wash, moisturizer, acne cream (I used Murad with some success), drink lots of water, and eat plenty of fresh fruit/veggies. Also, don't pick at them! That's what they want.
@slappee oh yeah- it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was clear for awhile, then got awful this summer around having my Mirena for 4 years. I'm on PocketDerm and following /r/skincareaddiction and their acne care which has been a LIFESAVER.
My skin was clear while on the pill, but the hormonal acne was the only side effect I've had with my IUD.
@shinemoon It's seriously bumming me out. I always got complimented on my nice, clear skin all through high school while the other teens were dealing with terrible acne because teenage hormones. Now I am SO self-conscious and I feel like it's only getting worse :( I'll definitely give /r/skincareaddiction a try, though, hopefully it will help.
@slappee I have struggled with acne since I was 20, (I'm now 25) I went off hormonal BC two years ago and got Paraguard because I thought the acne was brought on by the hormones in my BC. Although my acne didn't go away it did get better after getting off Hormonal BC and using paraguard instead. I also use Epiduo a few times a week and it works wonders. It doesn't dry my skin out like proactive did and I only get one or two tiny bumps on my chin during my period week.
If you're prepared to deal with the slightly heavier periods of paraguard maybe you should switch? Also look into Epiduo, my dermatologist gives me the Rx and coupons so it's only $15 a tube (that lasts me 5-6 months).
Anyway, that's just my two cents, I hope you find a solution :)
@slappee Didn't notice any change, then again I've never been on any hormonal contraception prior to getting mine. I read on IUDivas that tking zinc suppliments can help with mirena related acne.
@slappee What kind of IUD do you have? Were you previously using any form of hormonal birth control?

I wouldn't lump paragard in with skyla and Mirena, it works on different principles.
@slappee Did you stop the pill within a few months before getting Skyla?

After stopping the pill, I noticed more acne. This makes sense - sometimes birth control is prescribed to treat acne.

You mentioned elsewhere you had great skin in high school. The pill could be why.
@slappee Well it's more likely I would think with Mirena or Skyla cause they are hormone based. I got the Paragard because I was tired of all the extra hormones. I would feel nuts before my period would come with mood swings. I'm starting to feel much better since I got off it. It's only been 3 weeks with the IUD (over a month off birth control pills) and I've only had the spotting period and some cramping that they warn you about with the Paragard.