Ladies... I'm f***ing stupid!


New member
So, I got frisky tonight and (somehow) forgot that I am 16 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I decided I would bellyflop onto the bed. So I did. And now I'm freaking out.

What the fuck was I thinking?! Ugh... I'm seriously stupid sometimes.
@katrina2017 Everything feels fine. I just feel like an idiot... I honestly can't believe I did that...

Thanks for the reassurance. I have a doc appointment on Tuesday afternoon. We'll see.
@jamielw83 I did that a few weeks ago... right onto DH's shoulder. :/ boy was I sore... baby seemed fine though. He was like "why on earth did you do that?" And the only answer I had was that I forgot for a second that I was pregnant :p
@jerzy12 I laid on the bed on my stomach for a minute while I processed what I'd just done. I looked at my husband and said, "Did I seriously just do that?" and he just kept reading and said, " I was wondering the exact same thing."

Everything seems fine thus far, but holy cow. How doofy.
@jamielw83 Yeah, when I jammed my stomach in DH's shoulder (I was pouncing him like I used to do on the weekends to wake him up before i was pregnant), he was like "What on earth were you thinking?" and all I could do was sit there wide-eyed and stammer. I legit forgot I was pregnant for the three seconds it took me to make that dumb decision.

Blame it on baby brain? ;) Glad everything is good though!
@jerzy12 Yeah! I went into silly cat mode for a minute and nothing else mattered in the world besides bellyflopping onto that bed! Man!

We're dorks. :)
@thomasdeleon I felt like such an idiot when I did it too XD Like, I just literally forgot for the few seconds it took me to form the thought and pounce on him that I was pregnant and jumping belly first onto him was probably not a good fucking idea. DH was laughing at me later because I had this kicked puppy dog look on my face afterwards, like I'd been betrayed somehow XD
@jerzy12 I wish my husband would laugh. He laughs at me struggling to turn in bed though. If I were to belly flop, he'd go on a tirade - yet he won't let me get new tires for winter because "the tires are fine." He'll sing a new tune when I'm wrapped around a telephone pole. If only I could move some where warm. Lol.

That veered completely off the subject... :3
@thomasdeleon Priorities, man lol DH laughs at me struggling in bed too, but I think if I'd seriously hurt myself, he would have shit. He's a pretty mellow guy overall though, so not much phases him :p His favorite thing when I say "Ouch! That hurt!" is "Do you need to go to the hospital? No? Then you're ok." It normally elicits a tongue being stuck out at him :p

I can't wait to see him use that line on our kid :p
@jamielw83 Don't worry about it Your body is well-designed to protect your little baby :)

At this point in my pregnancy, I've been accidentally (and on purpose) hit by toddlers, jumped on by animals, run into things with my belly, etc. etc. When I was pregnant with my son, a car crashed into us on the way to the hospital while I was in labor. Babies are resilient :)
@jamielw83 I'm 19 weeks and I accidentally slept on my stomach last night. It's weird that I didn't feel it because it's been quite uncomfortable for a couple of weeks, but for some reason last night I got a pass. I'm sure kiddo is fine...
@simonscion I had a few days where I couldn't sleep on my tummy, but I can again, so long as I have my knee up by my hip (it keeps my tummy propped a little bit). I'm going to be screwed as I get bigger though. I literally cannot sleep anywhere but my tummy. :(
@jamielw83 I've done some accidental hurtful things to my pregnant belly. Baby is just fine.

Last night my husband leaned on my belly really hard forgetting and baby was fine. Got rammed into my car seat one day and baby was fine.

Your lo is protected very well in there!
@jamielw83 I pretend-tackled my hubby last week then was like "oh what the hell am I doing, we can't wrestle!" So I genuinely believe it's possible to have pregnancy amnesia :)
@yessina Geez. I hope so. Last night was such a genuine moment of, "Oh, holy shit, seriously?!"

I'm glad everything turned out ok for you. We'll just have to wait to put the guys in sleeper holds until the babies are here. :)