l/o won’t take a pacifier


New member
First time mom questions re/pacifier. L/o (6wks) so far will not take a pacifier, gags, spits it out, turns head away etc. I see everyone else’s hosp pics l/o’s have pacifiers in. I didn’t try right away bc I had no reason to, baby is super chill, hardly cries, sleeps decent. Did I miss my chance? Everytime after I try a paci l/o gags while breastfeeding and latches/unlatches wayyy more than usual, just overall worse feeds when we normally have great feeds. So I’m assuming this is nipple confusion and it is a real thing? I know they reduce odds of Sid’s so is it worth it to keep trying when it’s messing with feeding? I’m also scared that l/o won’t take a bottle if she won’t take a paci, is there a connection? Will need the flexibility of bottle and breast so I can start picking up work, bills are stacking up with reduced $ on mat leave. I’m also scared to try the bottle and I don’t know why!
@star4 My won’t take one lol, gags and fusses when I try! I ordered the Pacii, it worked for 20minutes (longer than the others), but yeah. She just don’t like ‘em 🙃
@nvyhus85 I've had three babies and none of them liked a pacifier. I tried here and there a few times but didn't really push the issue. They were all breastfed so I think the fact that it wasn't my actual nipples was highly offensive to them lol. The best part was not having to keep track of pacifiers or replace them all night long.
@alotofwonder Lol I totally agree about them getting offended that they aren’t our real nips. Did any of your babies take bottles? Just wondering if baby will also be offended at that or if it’s better because at least milk will come out lol
@nvyhus85 Just adding my 13 week old will not accept any brand of pacifier we have offered her. She also would gag or spit them out. I tried again last week as she has now discovered sucking her hands which is super gross and she just looked at me like I was stupid and spat the paci out lol. I don't feel pressured to have her accept one and now this is one less thing I will need to wean her off of in the future! I waited until about 6 weeks to introduce a bottle and honestly bottle feeding has been a struggle. She will still not accept a bottle from me and will take FOREVER to finish one from my husband (I also cannot be in sight or she will refuse it). If you want baby to take a bottle at some point I would start with one every day or two so they learn how to use them!
@nvyhus85 Nope breast milk is good at room temp for 4 hours fresh! If you freeze it or refrigerate it, it should be warmed though. I usually pump after my morning feed as your supply is higher in the morning and my husband will give her the bottle when my boobs want a break :)
@10trouble13 According to the CDC, you don’t actually need to warm milk and can give it to your baby cold. I’m sure some babies may have a preference, but ours is happy to drink milk straight from the fridge.
@nvyhus85 They eventually accepted a bottle after the first couple of weeks at daycare. They definitely resisted but just got hungry enough and used to the bottles. I used the Avent natural bottles. I would nurse them in the morning and at night. Sometimes if they didn't eat enough during the day I would end up feeding them more at night. Its all temporary!
Also worth noting that my second is a thumbsucker and my third baby just found his thumb in the last few days and is self soothing that way. I know some people hate the idea of their child being a thumbsucker but I think its cute and its very convenient lol.
@nvyhus85 Not the commenter you were asking, but my almost 4mo has never taken a paci but we have had zero issues with bottle feeding and switch back and forth bottle versus nursing throughout the day. He even uses a couple different brands of bottle interchangeably (Avent classic anti colic, and Dr. Brown's anti colic, fwiw)
@nvyhus85 Not all pacifiers are made equal. Make sure you find one with a nipple shape (wider bottom) since your baby is breastfed. My son likes the Philips Avent soothies so thankfully I don’t have to order those gigantic Ninni Co or Pacii ones
@nvyhus85 My baby is thirteen weeks old and just started to accept a pacifier this past week! Before that, she’d also gag and act like it was the most disgusting thing ever. So you never know, in time your baby might come to like it. But it’s also completely fine if they don’t! We just continued to offer it on occasion when she was having trouble napping.