Kyleena IUD Insertion Experience

@whois1230 Thank you for this!! My insertion appointment is next week and my doctor already kind of freaked me out for the appointment because I've never had kids. I can't change it because of insurance issues with other doctors and planned parenthood's is way out of my budget. This has inspired me to bring a stress ball with me to squeeze during insertion! From one anxious lady to another, thank you.
@katrina2017 Yes take a stress ball!! That will be so helpful. I held onto my water bottle during the whole procedure to keep my hands busy and to have something to grasp when the pain was very uncomfortable.

I fully understand being freaked out at the consultation. The potential risks are definitely scary when they throw them all at you at once. But know that even though it's not fun by any means, 3 minutes of pain is worth 5 years of birth control, limited/no tampon and pad purchasing, and potential elimination of periods and cramps! Yes, your body will need time to adjust, but know you can always come back to this group and get support and answers!
@whois1230 Ive been on the implant nexplanon for almost 1.5 years and haven’t stopped bleeding so I’m getting in taken out on Tuesday and having a consultation for another birth control method with low hormones. I want to mention Kyleena and see what is said nvm I’m opting for it.
@getyourhopesup Definitely talk to your doctor and see what your options are and what you preference! You are your best advocate, so if something sounds good/bad, make sure you mention that. I'm so sorry you've had such a poor experience with the implant! I hope you find a great new option!
@whois1230 I'm glad it wasn't too bad for you! My liletta insertion was horrible. The pain is very short lived, but it was the most painful experience of my life. It felt like somebody was jabbing me twice with a knitting needle up my vag. I actually screamed so loudly people in the waiting room could hear me. I've broken an ankle and cut a nerve & artery in my hand in a kitchen accident and then had surgery and this was still more painful.

BUT, on to the good news. I didn't have a period for like 4 years. Never have to worry about birth control or buying tampons again. I love having a IUD. I started spotting the past few months and went to get it replaced and asked for anesthesia. They gave me a little shot, I went to sleep, and woke up with a brand new IUD and no trauma. This is an option, ladies!
@bcreggie I am so sorry you had such a rough first experience! But YES TO THE ADVOCATING! Always speak up for yourself because you know your body best, especially since you have had previous experience with the procedure.
@whois1230 Oh, 100% on the advocating for yourself. ALL THE TIME WITH ALL DOCTORS!!

I have never had kids and before my first insertion, I also didn't have period because I was taking Seasonique (3 month birth control but stopped my periods). I asked my first doctor if I could get the pill that dilates your cervix, and she said no because she was afraid the IUD would fall out. I really don't think this would be an issue in my case. But, I didn't argue it. Another friend who was in the same boat said her doc had no problem with it. And she didn't have the same pain issues I had at all.

Honestly, doctors have been through years of schooling and practice, but that doesn't mean you should not listen to your own body and advocate for yourself, regardless as to the issue or procedure. If you want extra tests (and are willing to pay for them), then ask your doctor to do it. If you need anesthesia for a procedure, tell your doctor and they will make it happen or find somebody who will.

I am 100% NOT saying that you shouldn't listen to your doctors advice, but I definitely think that women especially should do their research, ask questions, and ask for what they need. You always have to advocate for yourself in this life and don't be afraid to do it.
@whois1230 I got mine done yesterday. 9/10 pain. It hurt having my cervex grabbed, having the iodine put on, getting measured, iud inserted. The paid did not subside all day. I was sweating and shaking and my face and fingertips were going numb. I threw up two times. As soon as he put it in and was done I told him I needed to go to the rest room where I proceeded to vomit and diarrhea for a good 15 minutes. Then I go to a different RR and do all the same things again. I never understood the saying "white in the face" untill I removed my mask and looked in the mirror. I was sweaty and drained of all color. Mouth dry and hands numb I drive 40 minutes home alone and immediately strip, and get into a hot bath. The helped alot. I ended up taking 3 baths. I took 1200 mg of ibuprofen and eventually the pain subsided... the pain was VERY similar to the cramps I used to get before starting nexplanon. My "normal" cramps would give me all the same symptoms. So equate getting an iud to the worst cramps you have ever felt. This has got to be the most pain i have ever been in my life
@whois1230 As someone who received their Kyleena IUD this morning, I can vouch for most of this as being my experience as well! The details are all very much the same, with the following exceptions:

I was provided a single tablet to take 5 hours prior to my appointment to assist with cervix dilation.

I did not take ibuprofen prior to my appointment (I thought I did, got home afterwards, and realized I completely forgot) - which allowed me to experience the pain for what it was: equivalent to my moderately intense period cramp pains - which I was able to disassociate from when I focused on controlled breathing. Please understand, though, that unlike OP, this was completely indistinguishable from my regular period pain (location and pressure and sting felt exactly the same). Sortof related, for reference, I will experience incredible cramping and pain during my periods, usually resulting in side effects like extreme nausea, dizziness, headaches, back pain, doubling over, and also taking time off work. The Kyleena insertion was somewhere between small cramping pain and this extreme pain.

It only took 2 minutes, and 6 hours later I am still experiencing cramps with ibuprofen taken 5 hours ago, but very, very lightly. It was a genuinely positive experience overall and I am proud of myself for making the decision to get an iud.

Edit - sentence structures and explanations.
@whois1230 I have an appointment to get an iud in a couple days, and I've been super nervous, but my doc prescribed me some anti-anxiety meds to take day of, so it should go well!
@whois1230 I need this, thank you. I'm heading for my appointment later today and I'm pretty nervous. Your honest account of what your insertion was like makes me feel like I better understand what I'm up against, and that makes me feel better. Thank you!