Kyleena IUD causing severe vertigo?


New member
I have had my Kyleena IUD for about 10 months and have loved it up to this point. I did not think I had any side effects to it (although now that I have been researching it maybe I have) anyways, 6 days I had sudden onset severe vertigo which has had me bed bound since. I spent 3 days in the hospital and all my labs CT and MRI were clear. Has anyone else had Kyleena cause them severe vertigo? If you had it removed did your vertigo go away? Y’all please help me. I don’t want to remove it if it is not the cause but I also can’t live like this.
@pkarutz When you say vertigo, do you mean true room-spinning vertigo? And do you mean the vertigo lasted three days non-stop? Just trying to clarify so I can offer some guidance.
@miro Yes room spinning vertigo, it gets better if I’m laying in bed as soon as my body is vertical the room is spinning. The hospital diagnosed it as Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
@pkarutz I do not have severe vertigo, but I am DEFINITELY having far more episodes of dizziness that occasionally cause nausea. Every few days it strikes me. This is not something I experienced prior to getting the kyleena IUD.

Edit to add: at the hospital the doctor or a physical therapist should have done a test to check your inner ear by having you position your head certain ways and roll. If they didn’t do this, it should be done. If it’s a weird inner ear problem, it might be fixable with a repeated series of movements.
@denise101 Thank you for your input. It was performed but she said that she did not see the eye movements but that it did not rule it out. But I am going to participate in vestibular PT to see if the issue resolves.