Keeping house tidy


New member
How do you do it? I see a lot of posts on here with people saying being a SAHP has meant their house is tidy and I’m over here like, how? Some days and weeks our house is in great condition and I’m on top of everything but there are other days where every room is a total disaster and the dishes are piled in the sink. I have 2 kids (3 1/2 and 1 1/2) and I’m 16 weeks
Pregnant. By the time their bed time comes after we’ve cleaned up dinner I’m exhausted from 14 hour day and the last thing I want to do is clean up (unless it’s a minimal tidy). My husband works 12 hour days and the only way I can get anything done without a kid at my feet is sitting them in front of the TV which I try to limit. Any advice or is this just the season I’m in and it’s okay to have a mess some days? 🥲😅 weekend cleanups do help but like I said, some days it just feels like everything is a mess and I don’t have the energy
@wh2 Every time a friend comes over and comments how clean my house is I remind them it’s “surface level clean” it looks presentable. But don’t walk around barefoot, or look in our bedroom, or in the laundry room 😂
@wh2 My house is generally ok. But there’s things I hate doing. Like I mopped the kitchen floors yesterday morning. By dinner you couldn’t even tell. It’s infuriating so I just don’t do it a lot lol

We do have cleaners come every other week. So I mostly have to just keep up with the cleanliness
@threecrosses Yes I can understand this. It can be infuriating to spend a long time cleaning the floor, only for it to be undone 5 minutes later. I would love to have a cleaner every other week. Hopefully one day
@wh2 There was this mom in a mom group I was in who had two under two and she always looked so well put together. Her house was always spotless and she seemingly had so much energy. One day we asked her how she did it and she said she does a tiny bump of amphetamines every morning and thatb keeps her going.

Nobody had the guts to ask her what type of amphetamines. We just all had a quick chuckle and that was that.

So keep in mind, the people who have"their shit together" just might be doing meth lol

Edit to add this fun little article about housewives in the 1950s
@meki LOL someone else posted in this group that housewives used to do drugs to stay on top of everything and I didn’t believe it until I googled it! No wonder 😂🙈
@wh2 Oh yeah! They were prescribed amphetamines to keep up their energy and their doctors would give them orgasms for the baby blues and "hysteria"(depression)
@meki I mean, I take an amphetamine precursor every morning…but I have ADHD so it just gets me to “kinda functional” (and less so than normal because I’m breastfeeding so I’m on the absolute lowest dose I can take and still remember what time is, also, no sleep, infant care…)

Yeah my house is frequently not clean. It’s not dangerous but it’s not clean.
@lockermcdonald I love the username!

Yeah sometimes I nearly cry over how functional I felt when my oldest was in preschool part-time and I was on my full dose. I cleaned and cooked and we went on Adventures on his days home. But also the baby is 4 months old and smiley and chatty and so cute and they adore each other, so I can suck it up for a bit, I guess.
@bonbonmon Thanks on the username! Haha. Mine are just 28.5 months and 9 months so they’ve both been home with me the whole time and will be next year too because my oldest isn’t quite old enough for preschool yet. And we might even want another. Gah. So hard but I know it’s just a phase of life that I need lower my expectations for cleanliness and productivity.
@lockermcdonald If you can afford it, get a cleaning service, even just every other week or once a month. It forces you to pick up and clear surfaces, and ensures the floors get mopped and bathrooms cleaned and is kind of a re-set. Also I find it works as body-doubling and I get a lot of laundry done while they clean the main floor, get all the sheets changed, that sort of thing.

My oldest is turning 5 and just started kindergarten, so the combo of the new baby and the new, bigger, more regimented school has led to a lot of acting out, which I am less equipped to handle with little sleep and less meds, but I am just trying to get through it knowing it will probably get easier. But his behavior + baby being baby led to enough distractions that the cat got out yesterday when we were leaving to visit my parents across town, and we didn’t really notice until 4 am that no one had seen him all night - the baby was upset when we got back, had been crying the whole drive, and we left the big kid with my parents for a sleepover, so I just walked right to the bedroom and got the baby ready for bed, my husband put food in the cat’s bowl but assumed he was with us, I assumed he was eating… I spent most of the early morning crying and then trying and failing to sleep, and then at 7 am my husband saw a nextdoor post of his dumb ass in someone’s planter. He is back because he is too stupid to die. It turns out he wouldn’t come into their house, so he was out all night, but someone across their street managed to get him behind their gate after he narrowly missed getting squished by a car.
@bonbonmon We just recently hired a once monthly cleaner! That has helped. Love the tip of trying to make a laundry day so it’s a while reset. I should take my small occasional dose then to help!

Ahh so sorry about your kitty! So glad he’s back. Ours is also indoor only so I can imagine how scary that was for everyone.

I think sometimes we’re just in the trenches and that’s okay. It helps to recognize its a hard time and it will pass. But man can these times be so trying!! Hopefully you’ll see improvement in your kindergartener as he gets more used to school and baby.
@lockermcdonald If you wanna be on ADHD meds while EBF you likely can be. Look for a reproductive psychiatrist. I’ve been BFing for 2 years now (I have 2 under 2 and I nurse both of them, I never weaned my firstborn) and my reproductive psychiatrist and my kids’ pediatrician are ok with me being on my meds. I did not take them while pregnant but they were actually fine with me doing so, I just didn’t for my own peace of mind since baby was in me, but not much passes into milk and you can do instant release so you can time it with feeds.
@stefany23 This is what I did and it’s been awesome. My reproductive psychiatrist is worth her weight in gold lol. She’s so reassuring too about breastfeeding while on meds and she seems pretty up to date about everything.

Just curious how much you’re taking? Even though I know a lot isn’t transferred I still take a “smaller” dose to reduce exposure. Right now it’s 20mg adderall but I kinda wish I could take more.
@stefany23 I actually still have my IR prescription! I’ve take a small dose on occasion. But this baby is pretty small so the risk of it lowering my supply at all scared me. And also it honestly almost gave me a little anxiety taking it and then not being able to do almost anything cleaning wise while at home with 2 under 2. How do you do it?!