Just got hired at a new job and also found out I’m pregnant with baby #2

@jfortizzle I personally wouldn't tell them yet. I never told an employer until after 12 weeks and wouldn't change that for a new job. Especially because knowing early won't change anything for them. You would still not qualify FMLA and presumably it's too late to un-quit your previous job, so rushing to tell them right away won't change that.

If you find yourself too sick to work you can disclose then. I get pretty sick but never so sick I can't muddle through work. I thought it was super obvious I was dying but nobody ever caught on before I told them.

As for what you'll do for leave, some companies are short sighted and punitive and wouldn't hold your job but many companies do. Why would they want to hire you just to fire you again in 9 months? Especially over a meager 12 weeks of leave.

Check your company's STD policy. Many don't exclude preexisting pregnancy (in all my years, I only had one company have a policy for one year that did, then they changed to a better policy) so if they offer that you could still take the first 6 (8 if c section) as disability. Then you'll need to negotiate to use earned PTO, advanced PTO, donated leave etc. for the rest.
@jfortizzle My last pregnancy I was 19 weeks when I interviewed for a job and told the manager during the interview, she said it was no problem and hired me. Worked for about 2 months before she stopped scheduling me (used COVID as the excuse) but then hired 4 other people to rotate the shift I had been hired to work 🤬 tried to report her for discrimination and got a letter back saying that they couldn’t do anything because in her system she only had me marked down as a part time employee even tho I was working full time
@jfortizzle I’m in this situation right now. I’m 11 weeks, started a new job just before I found out I was pregnant. I haven’t disclosed yet, because it’s going to be tough given that it will change our entire staffing plan (I’m supposed to hire people to work under me that would start….when I go on maternity leave). So I totally get why you’re stressed. But what I hold onto is that your manager and others at the org are humans, and will likely be much more understanding than you fear. It’s possible they’ll be awful, but I think not likely. I would contact HR first confidentially and give yourself time to process what the options might be, then talk to your boss when you’re ready.
@jfortizzle Thanks to all the posters here! I know this post is almost a year old but it’s been helpful -
Found out I was pregnant the week I was interviewing for the job. Had complications so I haven’t disclosed. Will have the anatomy scan this week then I need to “come clean” 😬
@jfortizzle This happened to me last year. Found out I was pregnant with baby #2 the week I started my new job. I was an anxious mess about it so I really sympathize with you. I ended up waiting until after my anatomy scan to tell my boss (I wfh with occasional in-office days, so I was able to disguise it). She was amazing about it and we had some very surprising and candid conversations about parenting and pregnancy loss. In the end, while I did not qualify for FMLA or PDL (I’m in CA), I was able to take extended disability plus a few weeks of sick/PTO to get to 12 weeks and everyone was supportive.

My advice to you is to wait to disclose it. You can always tell them you were waiting to make sure it was a healthy pregnancy before telling anyone. This also gives you a few months to establish yourself and get some “wins” under your belt with work. Also try to remember that if they give you a hard time about this it is a sign of a bad company culture and probably not a place you want to be long term anyway. Good luck!!
@jfortizzle You are eligible for FMLA as long as you’ve been working for the past year. Doesn’t matter if it is at two different jobs. At least in the state of California..
Editing- ok sorry I thought it was the same thing. If you were paying into it through taxes I thought it didn’t matter as long as you had been working for a year. I must have got it confused with the California benefits.
@jfortizzle Happened to me as well but with my first. I did not tell my boss until after 12 weeks. I didn’t qualify for FMLA but they still let me take 3 months unpaid leave. Hardest part was probably the judgement from some co-workers? But ultimately it all worked out and wasn’t nearly as bad as I had imagined. Most people know you can’t plan your timing for a baby perfectly. Anyways, don’t freak out. You’ve got this!!
@jfortizzle I had this exact same scenario! Verbally accepted a new job on a Thursday, got a positive pregnancy test that Sunday. I felt a lot of stress and embarrassment but my company was chill about it. Waited a while to tell them about the pregnancy. When I did bring it up to people I said “through some real statistical improbabilities, I am pregnant” to make it clear that I hadn’t planned to be pregnant. I guess I would advise you not to be embarrassed and just own it, but I know the reality of how it feels to be pregnant right away in a new job. Most companies are pretty accommodating with pregnancies these days so they may grant you leave anyway. Also, no matter what you should get disability leave (6 weeks for vaginal birth, 8 weeks for csection).