just found out my baby is sunny side up


New member
this has already been the most miserable week of my life. I’m officially past my due date (i’ll be 41 weeks on thursday), my original induction date got cancelled because they didn’t have space for me at the hospital, I’m doing everything to try and start labor naturally and nothing is working, and to top it off, today we went to my OB appt and found out that I have not dilated anymore in the last week (i’m about 2 cm) and that my baby is likely sunny side up. after looking up all the info about sunny side babies, it looks like this is going to make for a rough labor and delivery. I’m a first time mom and already terrified enough as it is to give birth, but to go in knowing I’ll have a longer more painful labor because of this is the cherry on top. not to mention it’s more likely to end in a c-section or other aggressive methods like forceps and vacuum. any sunny side up moms here have positive birth stories for me?😅Im supposedly getting induced tonight (we’ll see if it actually happens) and yes I’m already doing miles circuit, spinning babies, and more to try and get him to rotate. he’s stubborn as can be.

UPDATE: I had the baby, it was the most traumatic day of my entire life. Labored for 24 hours and pushed for almost 4. Baby didn’t even make it past my pelvis. Ended up having a C-section just like I assumed ^
@fairydustlady The positive of my story is that I have a happy healthy toddler now, but she was also sunny side up at birth and wouldn’t budge. I had a C-section. My best advice would be to not let yourself suffer through a lot of labor if baby is refusing to budge and you aren’t dilating quickly. I labored for 36 hours before I had my surgery and that was too long. I should’ve elected for the C-section way earlier. I hope whatever way that baby comes out it’s healthy and good!
@offenbarung thank you! I’m definitely open to a C-section early on if I’m not progressing! I am not putting myself through hell, not to mention my mom and MIL had 4 C-sections each and had amazing experiences with them! it doesn’t seem like the worst way to go in my opinion! now laboring for 36 hours and then getting a C-section sounds a lot worse! I will definitely not let it go that long if I can help it
@offenbarung This is my experience as well. I’m some countries sunny side up is an immediate C-section. I would check with your hospital and ask if they’re not offering it if you’re a first time mom.

In my experience even with an epidural, the pain of all the pressure was too much. I tapped out at 3hrs pushing with an epidural and she’s was just +1 in the birth canal (8lb bb). She’s here now and that’s all that matters!!
@offenbarung I could’ve written this, agree 100%. I was hysterical when I finally gave in to the C-section after 30+ hours labor and 3 hours of pushing. The longer you wait the rougher the recovery. I also wish I had moved around more during actual labor but again it may not have been enough to fully spin her anyway.
@sarahharpmusic I ended up having a c-section and holy crap I was hysterical too😭😭3.5 hours of pushing, and then it ended up being 4 by the time they got me into the operating room. I felt like my body had literally failed me. and yeah we did tons of movement during labor and the dr tried to manual turn him inside of me twice and it didn’t work. pretty traumatic and painful! I’m doing planned C-sections with the rest of my kids. I can’t do this again
@offenbarung This 10000%. I won’t go into details about my story unless you want me to, but it was very difficult and I wish I was offered a c section sooner because it was truly not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I’m having my 2nd in June and it will be a scheduled c section!
@offenbarung Fellow excessively long labourer here. 3days in early stages with no sleep, then 23hrs of active labour. I was so exhausted the Dr had to keep shaking me to get me to listen to and sign the paperwork (not sure how that still works as a legal signature). So very much seconding the sentiment of go the for the C-section as soon as you start worrying about not progressing cause it's awful being that sleep deprived before baby even arrives
@nokka I didn’t read this in time😭😭I was literally in and out of consciousness during my c-section because of how exhausted I was from laboring for over a day. It was the worst thing ever. when my baby came out, I literally passed out from exhaustion. didn’t even hold him until an hour later and when I did, I still wasn’t 100% concious or aware of what just happened. it was extremely traumatic.
@fairydustlady My baby is 2 weeks today and was sunny side up. He partially rotated as he was coming down, but was still mostly sunny side up when I delivered. It took me about 2.5 hours of pushing to get him to crowning, then he came all the way out in just a couple pushes after that. Vaginal delivery, no forceps or vacuum assist! Some minor tearing but nothing major.
@fairydustlady Hi! If you’d like a C-section story I have mine! It was amazing and a piece of cake. Even recovery wasn’t what people kept taunting me with. You’ll do great either way!
@fairydustlady My mom had 3 kids all sunny side up.

My brother and I were easy deliveries. My mom didn't tear at all. I was tiny though, 5lbs 14oz and quick, 2 hour labor.

Now my younger sister broke my mom's tailbone, but my mom didn't notice until the meds they gave during birth wear off (not an epidural). She had one first degree tear, but that's it.

But 2/3 were easy labor and deliveries with no tearing at all.

She never had forceps or a vacuum, either.
@lovefirst My mom’s birth with my brother was so physically traumatic that all 4 of her wisdom teeth ruptured. At the same time.

Safe to say, I’m fucking terrified.
@lovefirst My mom had a close friend who broke her pelvis giving birth. Petite lady, big af baby, should have been a c-section. I asked my mom what they did to treat her broken pelvis, and apparently there wasn't much for options then besides bedrest. Apparently they do surgery now, with extensive physical therapy after.