Just found out I’m pregnant


New member
I have many mixed emotions. I’m 29, and turn 30 in July. My husband is super excited. Most of his friends have kids and he is ready for this step at 37. I am anxious, stressed, and excited. I feel like I’m walking into unchartered territory. I’m worried how my work will take the news. They want me to get my CPA but now my pregnancy will disrupt this. I wish I could say I’m more excited, but I feel like I’m not excited as I should be. Everyone talks about how tiring it is and you don’t have much time for yourself. Sometimes I’m a big lazy and selfish with my free time, so it may be a big adjustment for me. I’m worried about my lack of time management skills, whether my baby will be healthy, and the anticipated people giving me all of their unsolicited opinions about parenting my child. I feel like I’m spiraling lol I hope I’m not the only one that feels this way. I could really use some words or encouragement at this time.
@wadewilson Hey OP, you're not alone feeling that way. Worrying about work, worrying about your own "competency" as a mom, worrying about baby's health all are totally normal and things that lots of working moms go through. I'm at week 37 and went through the exact spiraling sensation when I first found out at around 7 weeks (it was a surprise pregnancy).

One anecdote from my early days of pregnancy - I couldn't get an appointment with my top choice ObGyn, and then felt like I let my baby down / that I wasn't a good mother / that I was too unprepared for what was ahead of me. I broke down crying. My husband and I talked for a long time on WHY I was feeling like this was a big deal. I was worried my baby might have health complications that only my top choice ObGyn would be able to handle. I was worried that a rando ObGyn that I choose might not be a good doctor and miss other complications. Then we talked about what our actions would be if that were to happen. Talking things out with him, I realized that it's not too late to take action once things actually go wrong.

10 months is actually a long time to figure stuff out. You might not feel prepared now - probably are feeling overwhelmed. But take it one at a time, and try to enjoy the process! A happy mom is the best thing for your baby :) I also felt like I wouldn't have anything figured out but now that I'm approaching my due date, I am thankful for the long gestational period that God has given us to prepare for delivery haha.

Oh and yes people will be EAGER to share their opinions on pregnancy and parenting. Especially horror stories, if they have them. It's because it's almost like they are trying to process their trauma by sharing it with others. But you're not their therapist! It's ok to tell them to stop sharing or change the subject if it's not helping you feel positive (unless what they are saying is actually a helpful tip). I also personally steered away from reading too many new parent books and whatnot since a lot of them focus on edge cases that aren't too common.

Each pregnancy is like a fingerprint - you'll have your own unique wonderful pregnancy and experience the extraordinary thing that is growing a baby and giving it life :) And you'll have the strength and support to get through it.
@wadewilson Hi! I hope I can be of support to you, I am collaborating with a small publishing house and we have been working hard on a new book in the last few months regarding proper nutrition during pregnancy, trimester by trimester.

I would love to offer you the digital manuscript as a preview, totally free of charge, so that you can receive honest and dispassionate feedback, as well as a review on Amazon once the book is published. Would you like to receive it?

Thank you so much in advance for your time and availability!
@wadewilson Heya OP, I turned 30 last July and had an ectopic pregnancy early last year and now I’m pregnant again.

I in a lot of ways feel the same as you, like I have my doubts about it all and worry a bit about how this baby is going to turn my whole life upside down. I love my social life and etc so it will be tough.

I think the fact you are worried about whether your baby will be healthy or not shows already you are going to make an amazing mum, and yeah these little things may turn both our lives upside down but from what I’ve been told by a lot of mums out there is as you start seeing them grow and become
Their own person, it’s all worth it.

As for people giving their unsolicited parenting advice, I’d listen, say cool and ignore it.

In general I do understand as I’m feeling similar ways to you right now, but I do think it will be okay and you are anxious because it is uncharted territory. You’ll make a great mum OP don’t doubt that :)
@doorfront5 Thank you so much! I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s no real way to prepare for it, you just figure it out along the way :) best of luck to you and your family!
@wadewilson Honestly I don’t think anyone is ever really truly prepared for a family, just know you have support all around you if you feel like you are struggling!

Best of luck with everything yourself :)