I've started mouthing off at my MIL the same way she does at me and I feel so a l i v e

@jwilliams35 My MIL is normally very nice and polite, but occasionally will let a bit of her old narcissistic behavior from when my SO and his siblings were kids through. There was one time we were all together working on a project and she said something along the lines of “Oh you guys aren’t done yet? You said you’d be done by now.” (Which we totally hadn’t said. In fact we had told her this would take several hours) To which I said, before I could stop to censor myself, “No MIL, that’s just what you WANTED to hear. What we ACTUALLY said was ________.” My SO and his sister winced and awaited the onslaught of foot stomping and whining/yelling. But to their surprise, she just laughed and said “Okay” and walked away. They were completely dumbfounded, no one had ever gotten away with mouthing off back to her like that before. They still talk about how out of all “the kids”, I’m the one who can get away with saying whatever I want - likely because I’m not her actual offspring.

Embrace it OP, it’s a super power 😂
@jwilliams35 I put my food down on my in-laws years ago. MIL and FIL only come over when I'm not home and I will come around back of the house and find stuff to do until they leave. They'll pop their head out and say goodbye but that's about it.

FIL is still pissed I 302d him (involuntary commitment) after he had written suicide notes and put a gun to his head. He's mad he can have his guns anymore even though he has also shot himself in the stomach when my husband was 3/4. We have picked him up several times from the hosp for attempted ODs.

MIL thinks I'm a bad influence on her son because he no longer drinks or smokes. She's an alcoholic and does understand why there's anything wrong with it.

We have gone years between speaking with one or the other. They are living together again (they have been married and divorced to each other 2x) which actually makes things a bit easier though they generally hate each other. My husband speaks with them daily but keeps them at an arms length and actually enjoys telling them no when they demand things.

Keep those boundaries!
@jwilliams35 Does she look like she has a mouth when she does her cat butt face after you mouth off at her like this?

Your MIL would hate having me for a grandchild. I have the terrible habit of laughing when people say stuff like this.