I've started mouthing off at my MIL the same way she does at me and I feel so a l i v e

@jwilliams35 Random recommendation: YouTuber Graystillplays playing My Summer Car - there are lots of him trying (and failing) at cussing in Finnish! As a Dane, I was entertained.
@jwilliams35 Oh my, really!? I love him too! He's a stable part of my skincare routine - can't cleanse my face without "Allright, so we're checking out the only game where..."
@jwilliams35 I can feel the Finnish mother death stare just reading vittusaatana. I think my mom would lose her mind if she caught me saying “vittu”.

As long as it’s in irritation I can get away with perekele without getting a lecture on teaching the kids bad words and not teaching them how to properly pronounce the y and ö sounds in Finnish. (I’ve given up on my husband pronouncing either my name or äiti right)
@jwilliams35 What's weird is that I DO THIS in every area of life except with my husband. And my husband treats me like the doormat I've made myself to be in our marriage. I wish I could take a pill and just... push past whatever fear is making me meek and tolerant of his bullshit.
@jilo147 Oh man, it took me FOREVER to stand up to the husband. I unloaded a year and a half worth of repressed emotions onto him a couple months ago. Basically told him he was being a fucking asshole and I couldn't take it anymore. Our relationship has actually improved dramatically since. You can do it, and if it doesn't inspire change, he doesn't deserve you.
@jwilliams35 Kind of sounds like my grandmother in law. She had visited our house ONCE! She snooped into every room as we were trying to give her a tour. Then she tells us she doesn’t like the way our living room was set up. Constantly mutters stuff under her breath about the baby and had the literal audacity to pick up my phone before a party and go through my app that records my sons feedings, diapers, and naps.