IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

@b1inchrist First, I just want to say I totally understand how hard and stressful this decision is and I’m sorry you are having to go through this. Husband and I are both 36, unexplained infertility, and RE recommended to go straight to IVF. We decided to try the 3 rounds of IUI that insurance covers anyway, just for the peace of mind that we tried the lower tier intervention before jumping to IVF. We’re on our 3rd and final IUI now (fingers crossed it works!) and I don’t regret trying it. The meds are less intensive than IVF but still come with their own mood swings/side effects. Benefit to IVF is that you can do genetic screenings of your embryo before transfer to reduce risks of genetic abnormalities/miscarriage, and that you may get more embryos for future children with younger, healthier eggs. I’ve been told IVF can take 4 months (at minimum, if all goes well) to prep for before a transfer, to factor that into your decision. r/infertility is a great resource if you aren’t already part of that community too.
@b1inchrist Question, ideally, do you want more than one child?

If so, IVF would better allow you to try and bank embryos for attempts of future pregnancy. With IUI, if you have success, then you may be 40+ for trying for a second and it may be harder.

I also agree with trying to add another part time job to access infertility benefits or go out of the country. My research showed Czech and Greece as key places for great success rates and costs less than $5,000 an IVF cycle.

You can absolutely do IUI, just put a limit on yourself. Will you also kick yourself for spending $10,000 in IUIs and then going into IVF.

Just consider what you feel like you'd regret more. Would you regret moving into IVF too soon or regret spending the time and money on IUIs? Only you might know what's best for you
@b1inchrist You might consider asking your RE about IUI with injectable stims like Gonal-f or Follistim, which can be a good option for women with low AMH. I responded well to low-dose Follistim despite my low AMH, and while the nightly injections were certainly unpleasant, I didn't experience much in the way of side effects.

I'd also note that, due to the rules in this sub, you won't hear many IUI success stories here. Not hearing IUI success stories in this sub doesn't mean they're not out there.

All the best.
@b1inchrist Might be a crazy suggestion but if cost is a barrier, have you considered going abroad for IVF? Greece has some decent success rates and one cycle using your own eggs costs around €3000
@b1inchrist Will your OBGYN do IUI? It was much cheaper to do IUI with letrozole through my dr versus the reproductive endo. No trigger shot though. Rep endo said I should go straight to IVF but we did IUI. All my & husbands tests (other than me having one tube removed) were in range/good here at 38.
@b1inchrist I’m in a similar situation to you 36 with unexplained, low amh of .95, husband is 47 and thought to have a mild male factor. I also needed to remove a polyp so that delayed us more but figured it was worth trying one month after the removal, then we did one timed intercourse (was supposed to be IUI but canceled due to a trip) and now on our second IUI (in the tww). I don’t think I regret trying the IUIs so far if it works. But I am realistic about the odds. And it has been stressful. We are approved for 3 IUI and then will move to IVF most likely if the third one doesn’t work. Like others said, if you are dead set on having a baby NOW I would go to IVF. Especially if you want more than one. I wish you the best of luck in your decisions!