It’s our big day!


New member
It’s currently 6:10 in the morning. The wife and I are packing up to leave for our 7 o’clock induction appointment. This will be our first, a little girl. I’m so excited. It’s finally time!

UPDATE: Things we’re going great until they got bumpy. TLDR is we ended up with a low key emergency c section due to some baby heartbeat oddities. Turns out our “average sized” baby was a stud, weighing in at 10 pounds 3.5 ounces. Whirlwind of a night but everybody is healthy and IM A DAD NOW!

Thanks everybody for the encouragement and kind words. I love this sub.
@peerterborg This is the way! My fiancé and I decided to induce at 39 weeks and it was such a controlled situation. No water breaking in bed or stress. We just checked in and let the nurses and doctors do everything. Good luck! 😌
UPDATE: Things we’re going great until they got bumpy. TLDR is we ended up with a low key emergency c section due to some baby heartbeat oddities. Turns out our “average sized” baby was a stud, weighing in at 10 pounds 3.5 ounces. Whirlwind of a night but everybody is healthy and IM A DAD NOW!

Thanks everybody for the encouragement and kind words. I love this sub.
@peerterborg Good luck and congrats! We headed in a week ago today to be induced and graduated 2/22. Be prepared for things to potentially take a while, but the journey is worth it!