Is what I am doing when I am sick wrong? My wife seems to think so

@disguisedlamb Imo you DID push through it bc you still showed up to do your job of keeping your kid fed, clean, and alive. Some days we can only do what we can do. Being a caregiver while sick comes with the SAHP territory in my experience. But the standards cannot be held to the same level.
@disguisedlamb I’ve done this loads. I had a hangover the other morning and made a ‘den of misery’ for myself. I had the tv on for the kids and they lay on me and we watched bluey, peppa and some mr beast - I ordered McDonald’s delivery. I felt much better by tea time and we all lived happily ever after. Sometimes you just have to have these days.
@disguisedlamb My husband take time off work when I’m too sick to take care of our kids. Your wife is just a jerk. You’re a human not a robot and she can’t expect you to give give give without replenishing it.
@disguisedlamb When you’re sick as a SAHP you go into survival mode. You gotta take advantage of tv time and getting some rest on the nearby couch. Your spouse needs to chill. If she doesn’t like it then she can take a day off the next time you’re sick.
@disguisedlamb Look I'm gonna tell you right now I am a stay at home dad of three children. An eight year old a four year old and a nine month old. I don't care what anybody's opinion is when I am dead sick it's TV time. And if your wife doesn't like that then she can take the day off of work she can hang out with the damn kids. You were doing nothing wrong and your taste in TV shows bluey you're tasting TV show's spectacular. What you're doing is just fine and you are great dad.
@disguisedlamb Your wife should have taken off work if you were that sick. You didn’t do anything wrong. You are a person who deserves a sick day ( and you didn’t even have that!)

I have been too sick to care for my kids a handful of times over the last few years ( norovirus … woof) and my husband ALWAYS takes off if I can’t get help from the grandparents .

Oh and on the days I do power through it the second he gets home I go to bed. I’m sorry ur wife is being a jerk about this
@disguisedlamb people who are anti-screen time have never had to entertain their child, while physically ill vomiting. Next time your partner is sick, I suggest that she watch the kids while sick see what she chooses to do.
@disguisedlamb I’m sorry your wife treated you like that. There is definitely nothing wrong with extra screen time with primary caregiver is sick. I realize not everyone is in this situation, but when I was sick with the flu, my husband took off to watch our daughter.
@disguisedlamb The wife’s PTO can (and should) be used in situations like this. It extends to children and spouses. If she’s upset that you were sick and not 100% engaged with the kiddo- she can take the next sick day off.
@disguisedlamb That’s what a SAHP sick day is. She is always welcome to miss a day of work if she is that opposed to screen time. That would be my response and has been. Parenting is hard especially if it turns out you have two different parenting styles (My husband and I switched how we thought we would be - for an naturally anxious person to be extremely laid back, he switched into a helicopter parent). We decided mom would stay home and dad would work.
@disguisedlamb If your kiddo was the sick one would she have been more accepting of the rest and screen time? Maybe that could help her perspective. I nannied before I was a mom, and if I was sick but came into work, my nanny parents were just so glad to have care and fully encouraged a low key day with lots of screens. It was rare, so it was the perfect reason to break screen time rules. And I was being PAID to lay on the couch.

Listen, she can have her feelings. But that doesn’t mean you were wrong and it doesn’t mean you should have done anything different. Your kiddo probably thought the day was awesome and memorable because he spent so much quality time with dad!

Plus Bluey is the best.
@disguisedlamb I don’t think you’re in the wrong at all. When you’re sick, you have to prioritize, which is what it sounds like you did. It doesn’t help anyone if you don’t get the rest you need. At best, you’ll just stay sick longer, and at worst, you could end up needing medical care. Extra screen time for a few days while you recover is nothing you can’t come back from, and I think as the stay at home parent this is entirely your call.
@disguisedlamb That’s survival. Unfortunately right now I’ve also had to rely on tv way more than I like to because I’m pregnant and between my back hurting, utter exhaustion, and headaches- I gotta do what I gotta do. Their attitude is 100% different when there’s no screen time. I just need to give everyone grace right now, it’s just right now. I won’t take for granted when I have energy ever again!

I’m sorry your wife thinks you didn’t do right, but I’m right there with you!

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