Is there any reason a stronger test very early on should be a concern?


New member
Here's my timeline:

4/20: MMC detected at 12w US

4/21: D&C

5/10: HCG blood test measured at 12 mIU/mL, a few days after I was testing negative on HPTs

5/23: First day of first period after D&C

6/4: Positive OPK (CD 13)

6/6: FF's guess at O day

6/14: Clear positive on FRER and easy@home, making it 8DPO according to FF, possibly 9DPO if it was the day after positive OPK

I took the test yesterday because I was maybe going to have a beer with a friend and was shocked it was positive seemingly so early. I don't have strong symptoms except for usual LP tiredness. My question is if this is possibly a sign of something being off with it being so dark at potentially 8DPO? After my MMC, I'm just super scared of ectopic/molar/things going wrong. I got pregnant the first time last time, and it happened again. I'm worried I get pregnant easily but maybe don't stay pregnant easily/am susceptible to issues.
@nosweargamer I don't think there's any reason that it would be an issue. This study about late implantation leading to a higher chance of losses did not find a higher chance of loss with early implantation.

I had 2 8dpo positives, one ended in MMC and one ended in a living child. Both looked very similar to your tests at 9dpo. And based on your chart you could very easily be 9dpo.
@creativecloud My doctor doesn’t do betas but I’m exporting figuring out how to do it. My test this morning with SMU was lighter than this one 36 hours ago so I’m worried this is a very early chemical.
@nosweargamer I ALWAYS got darker tests in the evening with frer. You have to compare same time and same test if you want to see any progression. My mornings were lighter but progresses next to each other, my evenings were darker and would also progress. Good luck

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