Is something wrong?


New member
Hi everyone (this is kinda long sorry!) So to start I have pcos after losing some weight my period has been a back for the past couple months but.. This month exactly 7 days after ovulation & 9 days after having sex my boobs have been so sore the sides, my entire boob it hurts to touch & very sensitive ): it feels like i got punched LOL. anyways Ik some people say its a pms problem is I've never in my life have had this symptom.

p.s I have tested about 2 days before my expected period, it was negative also I usually get spotting 2 - 3 days before and my food cravings this time nothing 😅 its supposed to start today still nothing. my mind is scared its cancer or something
@namhoang217gv yes the 20th of last month is when i ovulated, I was sexually active the days before the day of and 2 days after. Are you sure? because my period is due today as i stated and i normally spot days before. 😥
@letsbereal Flo app is very inaccurate and unreliable.

14 days agter sex tests are reliable, testing a week after is an option just to be sure in results of tests. You can test now. If there's enough hcg for symptoms then there's enough for the test line
@shybow nooo really? in your opinion should I wait it out to see if my period starts in a few days? thank u so much doll! all the waiting makes me anxious

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