Is it A) Congestion B) Over/under tiredness C) Something else ?


New member
Hi all, looking for some opinions on my 5.5 month old’s sleep lately.

Brief history, he was a pretty good sleeper at night until he hit the dreaded regression at 3.5 months. Naps have always been a work in progress.

Since then we’ve been tweaking things and using gentle sleep training techniques as well as a sleep consultant and we are now at the point where he will go down for naps and at night independently and his sleep was almost back to pre regression levels.

On the advice of the consultant as of 3 weeks ago he is put to bed at 7, then woken up at 11 for a feed with the idea that he will then sleep through until 6.30/7. The problem is he is waking up waaaay earlier than that and cannot be put back to sleep no matter what. This morning for example he woke up at 4.45, welp. I resorted to giving him a feed after nothing else worked but even that didn’t send him back off.

Here’s the thing. He’s been pretty congested for a few weeks now and part of me thinks this might be the cause of the early wake ups? He is very snuffly and it’s at its worst when he wakes up. I’ve tried giving him a dummy to get him to go back to sleep which has worked before, but it immediately affects his breathing and he spits it out almost instantly. Could it be that at that time of morning (4.45-6ish) his congestion is hitting its peak and waking him up?

The only other thing that springs to mind for me as a possible explanation is that it’s a schedule thing, because his wake time and nap lengths vary so much we struggle to hit timings bang on the same time every day (we still go by WW and his bedtime is always 7pm or as close to as we can get).

Please help, any advice or opinions welcome, thanks!

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