Is 39 yrs o too old to be a dad?


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I think when my son turns 10, I'll be 49. When he turns 20, I'll be 59. 30, 69, and so on. Do you think we miss the best years and being a healthy father, having the vitality to accompany him at these key ages?
@amyjh38 My dad had me at 41, and my brothers at 43 and 46. Totally doable but I made another comment with more details, my dad has always been in great shape so it was easy for him to be present to all of his kids milestones, all of the trips, camping, graduations, weddings, now grandchildren.

He is turning 70 in a few days and he is still super fit and active and not slowing down at all. Would be a different story if he was unhealthy and overweight at his age.
@kolpevibeli Your job as dad is shepherd this tiny person through the tough parts of life and celebrate the fun parts. They are going to need your experience and knowledge to traverse a rather scary journey. Would you rather use your 39 years of experience or your 19 years of experience? I had my first at 24 and had no idea what I was doing. Had my second at 34. I still make things up as I go but I feel like 34 year old me is a better father.
@kolpevibeli I'll be 38 when my first child is born, so I'm in the same boat.

I don't think we're too old at all.

I feel ALIVE at the thought of being a dad. If it's a boy then I'll get to share all the shows and movies and books that I loved as a kid with my son. Maybe he'll even like some of them.

If it's a girl, I'll get to do the same thing.
@kolpevibeli Hopefully, though, you're making that 39-year-old income.

Financially-stable parent beats energetic parent every time vis a vis the well-being of children.
@eascusa This. Wife and I are first time parents at 34. Younger versions of us were broke versions of us. We spent a lot of money on birth, lactation, prenatal, postnatal, we would never have been able to afford at 24 what we can at 34.
@kolpevibeli My dad was 40 when I was born. Now I’m expecting my first and he’s 72. We’ve had a great life together and he couldn’t be more excited to be a grandpa. His age has literally never factored into things in a negative way—we’re both just appreciative to have been in each other’s lives. You’re going to be fine.
@warrior111 My dad was also 40 when I was born! I’m the second of four kids, so when my youngest sibling was born he was 44. I didn’t notice his age growing up except a couple times in grade school friends of mine accidentally said “your grandpa is here to pick you up!” (He went silver in his 30s so must have looked old in his 40s to my friends compared to their dads). otherwise he still coached t-ball and would play catch with us, was financially stable for our fam, and offered a lot of perspective when I needed guidance in my 20s. i think my youngest sibling is most aware our dad is older compared to most of his peers when he graduated college and things like that, but it’s just… our dad! And kind of special. other friends with “older dads” and I bond about it. Now as my siblings and i are bringing grandkids into the world, he’s 72 and an involved grandpa.