I'm Proud Of Me


New member
It can be so easy to beat myself up about all of the things I need to do better as a single mom, but today I feel proud of myself. I'm a full-time content creator and today I had to upload a morning routine video that was sponsored by a productivity daily planner and after I posted it I watched the one that I posted three years prior.

From the way my daughter has literally grown, down to her actually having a bed- I have come SUCH a long way as a single mom. 😩❤️

3 years ago:


I really want to start practicing being more present and grateful for the small ways that I am consistently making our lives better over time even when there are constant setbacks.
@triloquism I have done so much more as as a single mother that I ever would have been able to do if I had a ball and chain attached to me. Congratulations! Keep it up. There's no limit to what you can do. Being single just means that you don't have to consult with somebody who's less capable and less intelligent. Your life is self-directed I need to raise your kid without the interference of somebody else who would be a lesser parent. So nice to hear success stories. I'm going to my 30th year as a single mom (15 years between kids, both raised with no dad in the picture and never married).

The only reason I've been able to change careers, go on vacation wherever I want, start businesses, buy rental houses because I never had anybody that I had to collaborate or consult with. Don't take that for granted. It's a nice position to be in. Sometimes it's lonely as a single parent sometimes you just wish there was somebody to stay home with the kids so you can grocery shop by yourself, but the trade-off is that you get to do determine the direction of your lives. So many people never get that.

I need some work done soon. I will hit you up!
@alecs I love this perspective of being able to navigate the way I want to without having to consult with someone versus just being alone. Appreciate you so much!
@triloquism Congratulations!! And thanks for the reminder. I have to remind myself of all the little things I get right each day, even if all it is that day was feeding my kid spaghetti os. I did that!
@triloquism Congratulations! I sometimes stop and think, “I didn’t think I could do this, but here we are. I’m getting her everywhere she needs to be, and she’s thriving, and holy crap we got through a global pandemic and I was still able to keep not only myself and my daughter, but the guys at my plant safe.” My next step is law school, but I’m not sure I can do that with her dance schedule. I’m sure as hell going to try, though.
@triloquism Good for you! The days you can take inventory and see how far you have come are good for the soul.

When my kid was younger, we kept a "Good Things" board. At the end of every day, we each wrote down one good thing that happened.

Sometimes it was big things and sometimes it was as simple as Mac and cheese with dinner. (Some days mine were even "didn't strangle Donna at work!).

Not only is it a great daily reminder to be thankful, but it is also a cool way to look back on memories as they get older.
@triloquism I love your growth and everything in these videos. Your love for your daughter really shows.
But before anything else, I’d like to know where you got the baby daddy tears cup. I could use one!
@triloquism Yes it's hard as a single parent. There are changes that I have done for myself and for my daughter in that way she will have a better life. I am trying, not everyday is great but I am blessed that we have each other. I have my family help me with my daughter which helps me alot.. one thing I can be proud of is that I was able to work my way up at work, being able to take vacations with my daughter and some other little things.

Congrats and keep up the good work