I'm 16 and my dad makes have dinner at 7 PM and go to sleep by 8 PM. Is that normal?

@keepy My 15 year old recently petitioned for a bedtime later than 8. He gets up at 6 am. We moved it to 10 with some conditions.
  1. He’s in his bed by 10, not in the bathroom, not getting a snack, or finishing anything
  2. He doesn’t sleep in and miss the bus.
He doesn’t have a bedtime on weekends but usually doesn’t stay up past twelve unless he’s gaming with dad or watching movies or something with me

I don’t think 8 is terrible considering you are getting up at 5:30 but I understand that at 16 you are wanting more flexibility. I think it’s particularly extreme not to change it until you go to college ! My 17 year old is a night owl but we don’t really enforce bedtime with him as he’s almost 18. We just ask that he’s not up in common areas after midnight since he could wake people up or bother them. And of course that he keeps up with chores and school.

But I don’t really know what advice I could give if your dad has set a hard boundary like that. You could always make a plan and petition like my 15 year old did. Pick a reasonable bedtime and confirm that you will still get yourself up for school. I don’t know if you have chores but my kids have personal chores they do every day so I knew he would be responsible. Maybe offer to take on a chore saying you are willing to take on a responsibility in order to get more freedom.

But I don’t know if any of that will work.

Good luck!
@keepy Well, in my opinion you should have at least 2 hours after eating something then you could go to bed, because laying down sudden after eating something will increase the amount of fat in your body. I usually go to sleep after 3 hours of having a dinner
@keepy While that is a crazy rule to have, I do understand the discipline this will teach which will be absolutely crucial for later on in life.

Most kids don't get the lesson in discipline like you're getting, your father is teaching you to have a set schedule and to sacrifice a lot of things to keep at it.

While at the same time it will build up strength and having the ability to sacrifice things close to your heart, to gain and move closer towards something much bigger.

While I'm naturally inclined to the idea that after 13 the teen should decided on their own what time is right to go to bed by, as long as it isn't unreasonable.

I do like this idea though, while you are seeing it negatively right now in the bigger picture your father is only thinking for your future self and wanting to get the best out of you.

Don't let this think ill of your father, he wants the best for you, always.

I just hope you can gather the lessons being given and use them to your advantage later on in life, trust me this world is a dog eat dog world. Some of those closest to you are only there for certain period of time, some shorter than others and you will have people close to you that will do you wrong.

Having the ability to see through the lines and knowing true values and what someone's worth is, use these teachings to make the right sacrifices at the right times.

Lastly always surround yourself with positive people, those who are negative will only drag you down and abuse the niceness of your heart... it isn't worth it.
@keepy My pops was like that too with me and my siblings before me.Dinner at 6pm,bath and bed by 7pm and get up by 5am/6am for school.Now,my daughters get up at 6:30 am since school stop accepting at 9am(open at 7:30am),eat dinner at 5:30pm-6:30pm,bath at 7pm and bed at 8pm.My pops still gets up at 5am no matter if it's work days,day offs,holidays and days between.

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