I'm 16 and my dad makes have dinner at 7 PM and go to sleep by 8 PM. Is that normal?

@michaelrot Ok. First for clarification here in México we have 3 meals a day. "Desayuno" (breakfast), "Comida" (dinner I guess?) and "Cena" (dinner too?). It's not like in USA where you have comida y cena kinda merged together, comida is around 3 - 4 PM and is the heaviest meal of the day, while cena is late in the night and is pretty light.
And also, when I have homework I always have to finish it before I get to sleep, even if that means staying late. Still my dad doesn't like when that happens, he prefers I finish my hw earlier so I get to sleep at 8 PM. I'm gonna be honest tho I've sometimes used hw as an excuse to stay up later in the night.
@keepy I don’t have teenagers yet. But when I was that age, I went to bed around 10 pm. Going to bed earlier would have been good for me but there was no way- I wanted to watch some tv and/or read and my parents had no issue with it. So yes, I think 8 pm for you is very early! If you’re tired and want to turn in at that time, great, but I think it’s silly your dad requires you to be in your room and go to bed at 8 pm. Definitely strange to me. My children are in elementary school and go to bed by 9:30 😬 and that’s fine for them honestly.

I love that people are downvoting answers that say that 8:30 is too early 😂
@keepy my 7 year old nephew has a bedtime of 9pm, so yeah this is ridiculous considering your age. 7pm is a normal dinner time, but at 16 I didn’t even have a bedtime. A curfew is fine, like saying you need to be home at a certain time, but making you go to sleep so early isn’t really preparing you well for real life. Assuming you will go to college, you’ll likely need to stay up later to finish school work and it doesn’t give you the chance to learn how to manage your time effectively. Younger kids need a bedtime to ensure they get enough sleep, but you’re at the age where your parents should be helping you learn how to best manage your time.
@keepy Given you get up so early, going to bed about 8pm seems ok. I do think at 16 you ought to be able to negotiate a later curfew to socialise or attend various events sometimes.

Do you have to be up so early for school? Do you have to go to sleep at 8pm? Or just go to your room?
@keepy I think at 16 it’s a little unreasonable. And you wake up at 5:30 to go to school at 8:00? So you live a couple hours away from the school or what?
@andrea_0517 That's entirely in me, the rest of my family wakes up at 6 AM but i'm a lazy fuck so I take a lot more time to actually wake up and get ready to school. I live half and hour away and enter school at 7:10 AM.
@keepy Okay I get that. But going to bed at 8 and you are 16 is just unreasonable. And maybe I am biased because my mother did that same thing to me and I was never tired enough to go to bed and just proceeded to get more anxious as the night went on… and to this day, she’s never given me a good reason why! She wasn’t the type of mom to spend time with my brother or me though either so I suspect she just didn’t want to deal with us.
@keepy Seriously? After scrolling to the bottom of the thread and being full of sympathy for you having to wake up at 530 am, it turns out that you could just leave home at 640 am, so wake up at 600 or 615 am?

Surely your dad thinks that the current bedtime of 8 pm can’t be shifted later because you still don’t seem to be getting enough sleep as you’re slow to wake.

Learn how to bounce out of bed and get ready in a shorter time. Then you’ll be able to convince your father that you can responsibly sleep later and wake later.

My kids leave the house at 640 am and I wake them up at 620 am. Granted they are 8-12 years old so they don’t need to shave or make their hair look cool.
@keepy Wait you mean your extremely cruel father who providers a roof over your head food for your mouth and all the necessities you need to survive wants you to follow a schedule to get sleep too? That abusive asshole!!! Shut the hell up you spoiled shit. Follow the schedule and thank that man for the life you have. You could be a stain in a sock after all.
@musicandfaith Never said that was an abusive measure. And you're bringing something totally unrelated, a logical falacy. I'm just asking if other parents have the same rules with their own kids. I'm aware this is a minor thing and is just annoying, not something horrible and reprobable like the physical abuse he ocasionally inflicts on me. I feel sorry for your kids, what a horrible father if you have this egocentrical i'm-never-wrong attitude.
@keepy well sleeping early when you’re younger makes you grow taller but 16 8 Pm is a bit tooooooo early😂 How do you even do your homework and study?
@keepy Even if going to bed at 8pm is healthy for you, it's absolutely unrealistic. You have to do school work, extra curriculars and spend some time by yourself as well. I would have understood if the bedtime was 10-11 pm, but as a 16 year old, honestly i don't think you need a curfew if you're responsible enough for your sleep. Your dad in this case sounds unreasonable
@keepy Setting a bedtime for a 16 yo is definitely weird - I'm not following these comments at all. Yes, ideally you should be asleep by like 9 or so if you get up that early, but that's your decision to make. I don't think I had a bedtime enforced since I was like 10.

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