I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

@grateful266 Dude. My daughter would spike 106 fevers. We had to max her out on Tylenol and ibuprofen the second we even thought she might be sick because she would go from normal to 105/106 in less than 30 minutes. Ended up in the ER multiple times (febrile seizures that presented abnormally and one left her temporarily paralyzed on her left side). Not that I wish that on any parent/child, but I bet her tune would change after going through what we did!
@grateful266 My favorite thing is when people swoop in with their anecdotal evidence to support what they think is a fact.

Like okay your kid didn't need it. That's one kid. Out of how many billion tho? Pretty wild to assume that your one kid represents the whole species of children lol
@enoch27 I let my 7 yr old crawl into my bed in the middle of the night. Sometimes I encourage it because otherwise she'll be up watching cartoons from 1am to 3am. And be a pain to get up and ready for school. I cook separate meals because I'm fine with her having pizza for a treat tonight but I want a chicken salad, and I get what I want. My freezer is full of ice cream I don't eat because I'm lactose intolerant because my kid loves ice cream. Do what makes you happy.
@enoch27 Oooh yes! I’m with you 100%, I do all those things. A friend of mine said to me ‘when I have kids, I’m going to make them sit at the table and have conversations with me’ and I smiled and nodded and let her believe that you can do that with little kids.
@enoch27 My mom always has shit to say and I always respond with “I’m sorry, did you say you were retiring so you could watch my kid like grandma watched me 24/7?”

I’m pregnant with #2 and this one is way worse with nausea and tiredness right now. I let my son some into our room and snuggle in the morning. My husband hates it but I love it. He’s going to not be a little kid soon… I want to enjoy!
@nichola1970 He might wanna get used to it. All three of me and my sibs would go running on Saturday mornings to mom and dads room to hop in their bed and snuggle and talk lol.
@enoch27 OMG YES! And it isn't just our survival, once they become mobile kids become little whirling dervish suicide machines that have no sense of caution or fear. Why yes, I did and up with one wearing a cute little backpack with a 'leash' attached so the little shit couldn't run away at the zoo and end up as lion chow...and anyone who have me side eye could stfu.
@lovethemitten Tbh all the hate on child harnesses/"leashes" is really dumb. They're a safety device, just like car seats and seat belts. But you don't see anyone saying that car seats are inhumanely restricting your child.

People just get this notion that leash = dog, and thus you are treating your child like a dog. Which is completely ignoring why leashes are used in either scenario. Ignoring the fact that toddlers have no sense of safety and are prone to running off and the harness is simply there to prevent them from getting lost or hurt...while giving them MORE freedom than a stroller (but again, none of these people complain about strollers).

Also sort of ironic because so many childfree people like to become "dog parents" and act like their dogs are the equivalent of children, but God forbid you use a "leash" for human children.
@lovethemitten Yup I refused to be the parent with a kid on a leash, "what a ridiculous concept " pre baby me thought... nose I have 2 on the spectrum and think it's one of the best inventions ever- literally a life saving device! Oh how having kids changes our tune!
@lovethemitten My kids loved their backpacks with the leash. I was heavily outnumbered. We had the monkey and the panda. In fact, my youngest is 8 and I think they’re still hanging around in the basement. Nothing wrong with a little extra protection when you’re out numbered!
@lovethemitten I used to think that it was a nonsense and kids should just "behave" and go next to their parents. Lol. Now I have a 15 month old that won't take my hand and leaves for the other direction even if it's a road full of cars. So leash it is.
@enoch27 Omg I am pregnant again and this reminds me of what I recently saw on the pregnancy forums. Moms all worried about eating deli meat and cheese. I'm eating what I want. There are no rules.
@lfbride I can't even tell you how much seafood I ate. I made sure it was completely cooked but it was all I could keep down/all I craved. And Taco Bell mild sauce.
@lfbride First kid.. so meticulous and worried. It helped that I was so sick any meat was off the table. Second kid.. I ate a spicy Italian subway sandwich EVERY DAY for breakfast on the way to work 😂🤷🏽‍♀️