I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

@lfbride That thread is still taking up space in my subconscious. Baby wants steak, mama wants steak, toddler wants steak... we're all eating steak. Guaranteed iron outweighs chance of food poisoning.
@enoch27 Same lol. All my friends are childless and when they say something like this I just think to myself "just wait...".

As a single mom to a toddler, I do almost everything of what I said I wouldn't do.
@enoch27 Oooooo. I have friends with no kids saying “I’m going to just bring my kid out with me for every occasion. They can entertain themselves.” HAHAHA OKAYYY. The best “they can nap in the stroller and car seat” haha you are ASSUMING they LET YOU.

I hate it so much. Sometimes I honestly pray they have kids just so I can slowly watch their sanity leave their body. It’s mean. But some people deserve it. Lol
@johnmatthewnewman I have no issue with people choosing to be child-free, but as a mom I have kind of realized that you learn a lot by having kids. Like this whole thread is saying, childless people just don't get it a lot of the time. Having children really shows you how different the experience is from the expectation, and I think that is quite humbling.

I think it also teaches us a lot more empathy for our own parents. Like everyone can think of ways their parents probably messed up, but once you have your own kids...You start to realize that messing up is inevitable. And parenting is hard and many people can probably gain a newfound appreciation for their own parents (not everyone because i know some parents are legit bad or abusive or whatnot).

Sometimes I honestly pray they have kids

So like...I have mixed feelings, like I believe everyone should have the freedom to opt out of parenthood. It should definitely be a choice to have kids. But I also wonder with the new childfree movement, if some of those people are just never really going to "get it"? Like with so many more people choosing to be childfree than before, are we just going to have a whole bunch of people that never gain that appreciation for their parents, or that realization that parenting is fucking hard and none of us are doing it perfectly right?

I don't necessarily wish unwanted kids on them...But I hope those people can still grow to have a better understanding of what parenthood is actually like in reality.
@akags Thank you for this! I absolutely agree with you. I believe I’ve started to understand my parents more and I’ve started to see why they did what they did. My parents were pretty great parents but I remember as a child/teen and even as a young adult being upset about their choices and not understanding their actions. Now I really understand and I appreciate the things they’ve done.

I don’t wish for people to have unwanted children, in this specific situation these friends wish to have kids. They do think it’s easy to live a very social life (think dinner at 9pm and party until 1-2am) with their child. Sort of like the child will adhere to their life style.

Honestly some people don’t need kids to “get it” because I feel like those couples would probably fall apart. For example the situation as stated above, they almost gave up their puppy because they didn’t realize they had to potty train the puppy… waking up at hours of the night to take the puppy out apparently made them very unhappy 😑