I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

@uli Before I had kids, I was the perfect mom who was going to watch barely any tv, I was going to keep my house immaculate, my kids were going to learn to go to bed and just do it without me intervening. I WAS SO WRONG.
@enoch27 I mean my kid barely has ever had screen time but he also goes through phases. Right now he’s really into his animals again so he wants to watch zoo videos. I did used to spend more time on my house and since the pandemic I’ve taken a functional approach rather than an ambiance approach.
@uli We listen to SuperSimpleSongs. They have a lot of really good material. Autistic 4 year old is currently able to count and recognize numbers from 1-40 because of their "100" songs.
@uli He's only able to because his fixation is numbers 😅 if you know any sort of academic tricks, please don't hesitate to message me
@enoch27 Personally I just believe in holding off on academics until 7. My kid had a cognitive test and still was in the 99th and 90th percentiles on the verbal and spatial measures. I let him be driven by his special interests and we did a lot of open ended play. So like animals are his interest right now, so I just let him go deep into that. He asks me a lot of questions and we research things together.
@enoch27 Parenthood is a daily exercise in choosing your battles. Some parents pick pretty small hills to die on, and that’s their choice. I personally don’t have time to deal with every single tiny tiff my kids get into, so I just move past it, telling them to sort it out among themselves. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@enoch27 I remember saying I was going to wean my kid once they had teeth. LOLOLOL my kid nursed to sleep until she was 4. So much of parenting is just learning as you go.