I think I’m pregnant and I don’t know how to tell my girlfriend


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I (18 Trans man) and my girlfriend (18 trans female) have been dating for a little over a month. When we were in are second week of dating I was struggling mentally because my parents were upset that I dropped out of college because college was just to stressful for me right now and I was trying to look out for my mental health. So one night after a really long work shift I get in my car and call my girlfriend as I feel like I’m gonna break down crying. The minute she picks up the phone I start balling my eyes out and telling her everything that’s going on which I had been hiding from her. I tell how my parents are mad at me and disappointed and how that very night at work I got yelled at by my manager because I was “slow and causing the whole team to fuck up”. She tries to calm me down and tells me everything is gonna be alright but at that moment I just wanted to drive my car off a cliff. So after talking to her for what seemed like an hour I start to drive. I’m super upset still as I’m driving and my girlfriend says come up to me I’m getting us an Airbnb. She lived an hour away from me so I was like are you sure. One because it was 9 o’clock at night and two because I know an Airbnb can cost a lot especially because she lives in Harrisburg. After her telling me I have to come because she already got the Airbnb I head up to her. Once I get there we talk and cuddle and she keeps me calm and we go to bed. The next morning we wake up and do some shopping for food and once we come home we start to get touchy feely with each other. That then led to unprotected s*x. After we were done we noticed that she forgot to pull out. We ran straight to get a plan b.I took the plan b but ended up throwing it up before the two hour mark and on the box it says if you throw it up before it has been in your system for two hours it most likely won’t work. I was freaking out because the pill put me in so much pain. Once I got home my girlfriend called me everyday to ask me if I was in pain as she was worried she got me pregnant which would be bad as we both can’t afford a kid. I told her one it was to early to tell and two I feel fine. That was until one day when my stomach hurt me so much I could even handle it. My dad who I was living with at the time said I was fine and that he is going to work and he is not taking me to the doctors. My girlfriend freaked out and came all the way down to me to take me to the hospital. When we got there they ran test and scans and said I was fine and it’s just a really bad virus. After about two weeks I was still in pain and still really hurt in the stomach to the point were I felt like I was gonna throw up every morning. So me and my girlfriend were really freaking out. But two days later I got my period so me and my girlfriend thought we were in the clear. But I’m still in a lot of stomach pain to this day and I saw online that there is still a chance you can get your period if your pregnant. So I don’t know what to do cause I’m scared to take a test cause of my parents flipping out and wanting to kick me out. Also if I do take the test and im pregnant what would I tell my girlfriend. I need advice on what to do next. Please give me advice.
@taehwanbaik429 Okay, so cryptic pregnancies are not a thing. What they are are people misremembering, testing only too late, testing two days after sex and thinking they good, or liars on TikTok.

Unfortunately the only way to know is by taking a test.

However if this is a period, then you’re most likely fine. A period means no pregnancy.

Tests are accurate 14 days with the first morning pee after sex, and 21 days after where you can trust the negative.

Another thing is, you need to get the help you need for your mental health. Thoughts of suicide is not something to be ignored
@taehwanbaik429 Take a test 14 days after the sex for an accurate result and 21 days after for a definitive result. The bleeding could’ve been your period, but it also could’ve been a withdrawal bleed from the plan b if your body was able to absorb any of it. You need to take a test based on that timeline and then go from there, take a deep breath and one step at a time. there’s no use in worrying about what you’re going to tell your parents or girlfriend if you’re not even pregnant
@taehwanbaik429 There is NO chance whatsoever of you getting your period if you are pregnant. The reports of this ever happening, are people that simply confused pregnancy bleeding for their period and just assumed maybe it got lighter or something. If you truly get your period and it is like your regular period, then no, definitely not pregnant. The at home pregnancy tests are accurate 2 weeks after unprotected sex and definite 3 weeks after. You don't need to worry about telling your girlfriend just yet, you can cross that bridge when (or IF) it comes to it :)