I need a safe place to vent regarding the decision to be OAD and my Dr not supporting me fully


New member
I'm a postpartum nurse, I sometimes float to pediatrics, the nursery, and l&d if they're very short staffed.

I have seen so much of the good, bad and ugly of childbirth, postpartum care, and the life of children on a pedi floor.

I chose to have my son on my own as a solo parent. Y'all, it's hard some days. We're hitting toddlerhood and it's a challenge for both of us some days.

I had a traumatic pregnancy and am grateful my son and I have made it out alive. That said, I never want to be pregnant again. I absolutely would love more babies but I have full blown nightmares and anxiety thinking about being pregnant again.

I've worked with a counselor to talk through my grief of not having another baby, of not having a perfect pregnancy. We're good. I'm good.

So when I met with my obgyn today to talk about a tubal ligation, she threw a whole list of bullshit reasons I should consider. They include:

Me meeting the right partner; me regretting my choice; me making a rash decision.

I ultimately told her if she wasn't willing to consult with me I'd let my insurance know not to pay for this visit and I'd find another provider who would. She relented and said okay fine. (I'm finding another provider).

But god damn I'm working through the idea that I'll never have another child of my own and carry that pregnancy and you want to gatekeep my fallopian tubes? I'm 36, I don't want to be a geriatric high risk pregnancy. I'm not worried about meeting a man and him wanting his own babies. Let me protect my own physical and mental health and cut my damn tubes. Ffs!
@raymondven Exactly. I also just don't want to date. Maybe in a year I'll feel differently. Maybe 5 years. Maybe never? Either way, just as you said, they're not the right person if they want more kids.
@vash07 Ngl lots of women, married or single, have little patience for the vast number of minimally competent men out there. I love my husband but I wouldn’t sign up for marriage again if, god forbid, something happened to him. If I was you I probably wouldn’t date either.
@raymondven After my husband committed suicide when our daughter was 16 months I tried to get a tubal and the ob, who had known my husband and delivered our baby, said this exact line. Maybe I’d meet someone and they’d want kids. I can’t even verbalize the rage I felt.
@ryandog I am so sorry. I also lost my husband to suicide when our daughter was 11m. I can’t imagine having another child, I haven’t had those conversations with my doctor yet but the fury I would feel if I were given than answer would be immense.
@raymondven Just an anecdote, but a male friend wanted to get snipped and his old, male, conservative doctor threw him a "But what if you divorce your wife, meet a much younger woman, and she wants children??"

My friend just thanked him for his input and switched to another doctor, he decided there was no point arguing.
@itsmeheathermarie My OB pulled that one us when I was pregnant with our one and only and asked about options for a tubal if I wound up with a C-section and I nearly blacked out from rage. Jesus Christ. I don't think I've ever been so offended in my life.
@itsmeheathermarie A redditor who had lost a sibling used to comment on oneanddone. The tldr is that siblings are no antidote to the loss of a child, they’re another person in the family who suffers a tremendous loss.

I love my son. If he died, nothing would make it ok. And parenting another child wouldn’t even be a priority in my bone crushing grief. If anything, the possibility of child death is yet another good reason to be OAD.
@stronglady Exactly. Prior to having my son I wanted my husband to wait until he was one year old to get a vasectomy ‘just in case.’ Now that he’s here (he’s a newborn), I cannot imagine having another if something happened to him. I would not emotionally be able to care for another baby and I would not want to.
@raymondven I've always found it to be so insulting, like, "What if you're so desperate to be accepted by someone that you throw away your deeply held belief?" No one walks around baptisms going, "Don't join this religion! What if you meet someone?"
@vash07 I'm sorry you didn't feel supported.

Check out r/childfree. They have a list of doctors who will perform sterilization (vasectomies and bisalps) without doubting you.