I know it's nothing compared to some people here but I've officially made it 2 months breastfeeding!


New member
I've seen people sharing there 1 or 2 year success stories and I know I'm no where near that but everyone I know in real life who have had kids all gave up at 5 weeks or earlier so I'm quite proud of myself for powering through. I knew breast feeding was gonna be hard but no one ever could of truly prepared me for how actually difficult it is. It's extremely demanding in a way I could of never pictured and wowzers was there a lot of painful moments, a lot of crying, a lot of 'I want to give up' moments, and a lot of long days and long nights. I'm so glad to finally be in the groove of things now. I know there are gonna be a lot more and then some, of those moments I listed above but I am ready to take those head on.

As difficult as it is, I don't know how I could do it any other way... the bond I feel with my baby is so special to me and I am so thankful my body was able to do this for him and for me.

My original plan was to breastfeed him until he was 6 months old but right now idk how I'm gonna give this up! I may change my goal to a year or more but we shall see! For now I will celebrate my mini victory of making it to 2 months! Yay me!
@clemdawg Great job! With my first I set my goal to 3 months, then 6, then a year. We ended up going until she was 2! Such a beautiful journey. I'm currently breastfeeding a four week old and it is hard!
@clemdawg Congratulations!! 2 months is definitely something to celebrate, especially since the first month or so is the hardest part of breastfeeding for most people.

With my first, I found that the effort really paid off as nearly every kind of baby (and toddler!) sadness could be quickly made at least a little better with nursing when nothing else worked. I feel fortunate that nursing worked out with both of my kiddos. My littlest one (baby #2) is also 2 months old as of today!
@peregrin Same! I nursed my 2 month old yesterday in the pediatricians office after she got her first three immunizations. Her screaming had me in tears too! I don’t know what I would have done if I couldn’t nurse her to feel better, for both of us!
@cantsed Awww man those immunization appointments are so hard.

For my 2020 baby, they only allowed one parent at pediatric appointments after baby was 30 days old. For the appointments while I was on leave from work, I took her to those and didn’t have too much trouble calming her by breastfeeding after the shots. I went back to work right before she was 6 months old and my husband started his parental leave right then, so he was the one to take her to that appointment. He’s the “baby whisperer” between the two of us - without boob powers, he just had to figure it out on his own, lol - but he had a greeeeeeaaaat time trying to calm baby down after that round of shots. Reportedly lots of screaming involved afterward in the office and on the drive home (until she ran out of steam and fell asleep when they were about a mile away from our house). Poor baby.
@peregrin Awwwww no! I bet daddy felt awful! 😭 So sorry he and the babe had to go through that without you there. I told my husband he should be glad he didn’t come to this appointment because it would have hurt him too much to see her hurting. Luckily it was only for a minute. Thank God for boobs!
@clemdawg Congratulations!!! 2 months is 100% something to be very proud of! Any amount of time is worthy of pride, in my opinion. My original goal with my twins was 6 weeks, then 6 months, then a year, and we ended up just weaning at 18 months! Congrats on your sweet boy, and good luck on the rest of your journey!
@clemdawg Congrats! Two months is such a success and was the hardest time of breastfeeding for me at least! I had a goal of 6 months and now that I’m getting closer at almost 5 months I will make it longer but every day, week, and month is a success! It’s hard work
@clemdawg In my experience (8 months), and I think for most people, the beginning is the hardest part, so you should absolutely be proud of two months! Congratulations!
@clemdawg Congratulations! You've made it through the worst part imo. My baby is 3 months and it's getting so much easier, and faster. Longest I've breastfeed was 6 months but now that I'm a stay at home mom I'm hoping to make it the full year. We can do this!
@clemdawg I'm at 2 months too and I am celebrating! It's been a rough start and my supply is still borderline and I'm not sure what will happen when I return to work soon. But, one day at a time and we will see this through.