I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute


New member
UPDATE! I finally got called in at around 16:00, got here and checked in! We’re all hooked up, epidural started, just waiting for the kid now!

Original post~

Hi hello. I’m 41 weeks pregnant, 3-4 cm dilated, 90% effaced. My induction was scheduled for LAST NIGHT. Am I at the hospital? No, of course not. I’m still at home because there at 6 scheduled inductions that had to be delayed ahead of me. And I get it, not the hospitals fault, or anyone’s fault at all. But like... dang.

So while I’m upset and in pain, and genuinely haven’t slept in about 2 weeks because of the ever increasing in size child inside of me, my husband can sleep perfectly fine, super late, and not have a care in the world and I’m just jealous????

Also if I hear one more family member tell me something along the lines of “ShE jUsT nEeDs mOrE tiMe tO bAkE”, “sHe’Ll cOmE wHeN sHeS sUpPoSed tO”, or “bAbIEs dOnT rUn oN sCheDuLeS”, I may actually commit arson.

A completely incoherent rant but I’m about to ✨lose my ever loving shit✨
@georgengondo I’m just surprised I’m still pregnant! I got induced with my first so like maybe my body’s just waiting for that ~good good~ pitocin, but like g i r l it’s time to head out. This kid is going to walk out of me with a briefcase and a salaried job at this point.
@jolene576 I feel you so hard. My shortest pregnancy (of 3) was 40+5. I will say though that for me, pitocin can suck my balls. My whole unmediated birth the second time (41+4!) was less painful than being induced with the first and getting an epidural. The recovery especially was a breeze.
@ritaw I opted for no epidural but did have to get hooked up to a low dose of pitocin for a period with only laughing gas due to some potential drug allergies I didn't want to mess around with in labour.

Holy Dinah. Pitocin made me understand why people get epidurals. It's nothing like the oxytocin your body naturally produces. The rest of labour was sh*tty of course but manageable knowing that it would be over soon one way or another. The pitocin was a taste of hell.
@ritaw I’m highly contemplating the epidural- I’ve heard so many mixed things about it. But I don’t know if I can do the pain, I have a high pain tolerance but I don’t know if it’s THAT high lol!
@georgengondo I opted for no epidural and ended up with a round of pitocin late in my delivery.

The nurses tried to tell me pitocin is the same as the oxytocin our bodies naturally produce. That's a lie. There was a stark difference in how the pitocin contractions felt vs my natural ones. The natural ones sucked but were manageable knowing every one was bring me closer to the end.

The pitocin ones were really, really awful I'm sorry to say. They made my whole abdomen feel like it was seizing and there just isn't the same drop in between to rest. It definitely changes the pain management equation.
@georgengondo My epidural was lovely. It was the pitocin contractions before the epidural that were hellish. My 2nd and 3rd were completely unmedicated and the pain was manageable right up until transition (which was also when my waters broke, fwiw). By then it’s too late and the only way out is through, as they say. Being able to feel the urge to push and letting my body “do its thing” was really cool though. I pushed more gradually and didn’t tear. I’ll never forget the huge instant relief afterward.
@georgengondo Some doctors/hospitals offer what’s called a walking epidural that’s supposed to be a good middle ground. Less pain but not totally blocked like a standard epidural so you aren’t just pushing blindly.
@georgengondo I didnt know either, but i didnt get one, and what got me through was thinking 'i can get through the pain for a minute then i get to rest'

Also, they told me they wouldnt refuse me an epidural until i couldnt stay still for them to put it in, so if you go for a while without it and see how bad it gets, you can always ask for it later
@addie1257 That’s what my mom suggested- see how far I can go. She had three c sections and she’s like “that is not for me” 🤣🤣 “once the contractions started I was begging for everything possible” lol!
@georgengondo just my own experience as I was considering myself of high pain tolerance. I went with non medicated delivery and was not good in pushing.

We had to use vacuum and episiotomy later on. I was exhausted and just screwed over the pushing phase. The baby heart rate was dropping and it was all a total mess after 2 hours of active labor. I regret not taking an epidural. I think it would help me stay focused and deliver with less stress for my baby.

On the other hand, my fried delivered in two pushes with no medication.

So it totally depends on the situation. I’d just stay more open to all options the next time.