I have full custody of my kids (4, 6 & 8) indefinitely and I don’t know how to tell them why

@aldericus Also, the thing about accusations is, they're not always right. He's not wrong for accusing a known alcoholic who is refusing to be transparent. That's entirely understandable.
@hisman Op: I'm living the same thing .Kids mom got a felony dwi . Had supervised visitation, stopped going to treatment and skipped on court. She now has multiple warrants so she won't meet up with us(regularly). Still haven't figured out how to explain it(my daughter is 4).
@hisman “After two years without abusing it, I had to test her.” - I’m reading this as “I had to test her because she was behaving in a way that made me suspect she was not sober”. Hair follicle test shows that she hadn’t fallen off the wagon earlier, it doesn’t show if she just now fell off.

She had a DUI with the kids in the car. She needs to do the thing. If she’s doing 12 step based recovery it’s also a red flag if she’s refusing to to blow as per the agreement. Get ready for her to blame you for “losing” her sobriety.

I don’t know what to tell the kids. I wonder if Al anon has some good guidance for handling the ease situations with young ones?
@hisman Why did she refuse breathalyzer? If she knew hair follicle test would show clean, why not give a blow? Maybe because hair test won’t show that she had a few today, eh?
@hisman Going through the same thing over here. Last night my five year old woke up at three in the morning and came in my room crying saying that he had a bad dream that a man said he could never see his mommy again. Messed up thing is I don't know if he ever will. I talked to a professional and they recommended not lying. So far I've just been telling him that his mom loves him and is an angel and asks about him all the time. The professional told me to be more honest But I just don't know how. He's only five years old. I don't want to fill his head with all that fucked up adult shit.
@hisman Lurking step mom that has been through this scenario with my husband and step son, I cannot stress enough how helpful getting kids into a therapist that has play or art therapy approach was. My SS was 5 when it first became apparent his mom couldn’t parent him and he had a lot of big feelings he didn’t know how to express. This was also incredibly helpful with court down the line. The therapist was helpful to us to talk about it in a factual way that was accessible to his age and didn’t paint his mom out to be some sort of monster for struggling.

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