I didn’t clean baby’s back properly and she had poop on it

@doublev This can totally happen! I left some trace of poop that I fully didn’t clean and I noticed at the next change when I saw a skid mark. We’re not perfect! We’re human and having a baby means you’re sleep deprived which can lead to not doing things perfect. Don’t be hard on yourself momma!
@doublev I may be extremely jaded but I'm betting you do a lot more childcare than him. My partner is hyper critical sometimes and I'm like, maybe I could be closer to perfection if you chipped in a little more instead of leaving 98% of it to me, housework included, even after I've returned to work. Oh what's that, you need to go out with mates every single day this weekend again? Yeah hbu stfu

Lol sorry
@doublev How do you know she didn’t poop after you changed her? Poop comes with the territory. Your husband shouldn’t be chewing you out for it. Clean it and move on.
@doublev Just happened to me yesterday-he pooped at oh dark 30 and I didn’t want to wake him all the way up with a ton of light so I did the best I could with my phone flashlight. Sh** happens!
@doublev Of course it happens! Moms can’t be perfect 100% of the time, he needs to understand that it is a simple mistake. Just give that baby a bath tonight make sure you put some lotion on incase the area got a bit irritated from wiping off any dry poop. 💩
@doublev Your husband needs to get a grip.

Were all doing our best and being a parents hard! Im a Dad to a 6 month old and im constantly making mistakes but we learn and get better because of them!
@doublev My son is 19 months old, I can’t count how many times I’ve not noticed poo in places it shouldn’t be.

It happens, don’t beat yourself up over it, it will happen to your husband. Sometimes they do a sneaky none smelling poo and you don’t notice and they’ll be red raw.
@doublev My very first night home with the baby, we did diaper changes and feedings and all went to bed together. I woke up to the baby crying and asked my husband to pick him up and pass to me for another feeding (I had a complicated labor and delivery with severe pre-eclampsia and ended up with an emergency c-section and was pretty immobile). My husband picked up the baby and he was SOAKED in pee. He immediately changed him and even though he never commented on it or gave any indication it was my fault, I felt like the absolute worst mother in the world and cried for the rest of the night.

It happens! And it’s not your fault!! AND your baby won’t care or remember and will be as good as new once they get cleaned up (if they even fuss to being with!).

My advice is that although tensions are probably running abnormally high, let your husband know that his comment hurt you. He needs to know that it’s not acceptable to “parent-blame” you for an easy miss. My husband and I have had our fair share of arguments since the birth of our baby, and I’d say that supporting each other and communicating is the saving grace for us.
@doublev My baby had a blowout the other day while husband was holding her in the morning. I cleaned her up, got her changed, then they both headed out to work & daycare. Before he left, we both looked at his shirt and said “thank goodness nothing got on you!” Turns out, we were wrong. After he got to work, he found that there was poop down his sleeve 😅 I had to throw myself together to bring him a shirt and this was a day that he was leaving the office to travel across the state for a big meeting. Shit happens.
@doublev I did this today 😂 my husband changed her and then mentioned to me there was a tiny bit of poop in the back of her diaper - I said that I must have missed a spot when I changed her earlier and he just said "oh, that makes sense!" And that was it. Your husband is an idiot and I can't wait for him to make the same mistake 🥰 you're doing just fine!
@doublev Oh totally normal! The other day I brought my toddler to the aquarium, her diaper slid off hallways down to her calf and I had no clue for a WHILE (she was wearing one of those baggy Carhartt onesies lol) luckily she managed not to pee on herself! Shit happens (literally and figuratively)