I didn’t clean baby’s back properly and she had poop on it

@doublev Happens to everyone at least once! If they say never……they haven’t told the truth or have only had one Bub for a very short time. Keep smiling and doing your best: hubby can do all the nappy changes if he’s so perfect at it!!!!
@doublev This kind of stuff happens all the time. Your husband needs to stop keeping score. He’s going to mess up with the baby too. You’re both human. Clean up the mess when you find it and move on. He’s in a for long hard road if he thinks this is a big deal.
@doublev This has happened to me before, but with her little vest, I didn’t notice the stain on it until my mum changed her nappy and mentioned it to me! We all make mistakes. You’re okay. Maybe your husband needs to be a little more understanding about it!
@doublev Totally common mistake. If it happens enough she gets a rash, then sure, he can be irritated. If it was this one time, he needs to chill.
@doublev Yes and very easy to do if your baby is as wiggly as mine. He doesn't ever stop kicking and rolling around and stuff. Very hard to do a perfect job all the time. I figure we'll bathe him and put fresh clothes on him soon so whatever small spots we might miss won't ever stay dirty for that long. Not that we're purposely careless but we don't beat ourselves up over mistakes.
@doublev My first baby, my parent's first grandbaby, my dad was proud he remembered how to change a diaper. When he was bragging, I noticed he missed that the whole back of the onesie was soaked in poop. Lol. We were still proud of him.
@doublev My eldest as a newborn once farted in my face when I was changing her and a little fleck of poo went in my nose.Luckily I had already been warned to put my hair up before changes.