I can’t

@simpleinchrist1 Dear “l can’t”, you can and you will. Because you don’t have another choice. Like lots of others in This post we have all been there more than once. There are cycles. My sons are grown now but I remember going through this the last thing I wanted was to hear someone tell me it’s ok. I turned to self harm because I wanted to feel something other than the dark thoughts. I could not escape my mind. Nothing anyone said changed how I felt. It’s a deep dark place where, as crazy as it sounds I felt comfort there. It was a space my mind went to easily. Make a routine, every day get up and get out of the house if even for a few mins. Take your kid to the mailbox or to find a pretty rock. The whole point is routine it takes your mind in a different direction first thing in the morning and it gives your son something fun and exciting to look forward to. Take a shower and get dressed every day. If he’s small sit him in the restroom with a game on your phone a quick 5-7 min shower to wake up and feel a tiny bit of self worth. Try this routine idea, it really helped. I didn’t have money for therapy and when I called to get help they said they could see me in 6 mths?!! I needed help at the moment not 6mths from now. I started meditating and I also did a session of supervised psilocybin which was the start of a huge change in my thought process. You’ve got this we are all in this together. It doesn’t feel like it I know but you are not alone in your struggle. We are all here carrying our load walking beside eachother. 💗
@simpleinchrist1 Well look at the positive. You have health. Today thousands found out that they have cancer or about to die in few months from a disease that has no cure but you are not one of them. There are millions who will go to bed without food heck they will sleep on the floor no bed or blankets. You are not one of them. You don’t have those problems. There are thousands that have cars will die in car accident but you are not one of them. So look at the positive and how far ahead you are. Don’t lose hope is my point and don’t compare to others. Just do your best in life. Enjoy the good and bad and stay neutral else life is too short and not fun. In the end it’s all how you think the problem is. It may look big but it’s not a big problem at all. Learn to have patience and be thankful. My life was so simple and now I have way more but more headache at the same time. In a way I missed simple life.
@simpleinchrist1 Girl you’re not alone I’m on welfare and get 600$ a month for the rest of the month I’m broke and lowkey going crazy. Feeling like shit all the time never can do things like nails and hair. I’m also in income based housing. Single mom. What helps me is smoking weed honestly. And just knowing it won’t always be like this.
@simpleinchrist1 Hey beloved mamma! How are you doing today? I’m praying you can feel all the love and care from your online support system. You’re not alone. We hear you and we see you!

I recently learned of this organization whose sole purpose is to provide a loving caring community around those who don’t have one. Here’s a link to their website. https://safe-families.org/ I hope they have one close to you! Love & hugs ~ Me
@simpleinchrist1 I've been a single working parent of 3 for the last 5 years, and when my ex left, my youngest were 1 and 2, and I also had a 6 year old. I also have no family or financial support and little support from friends. I felt like I could have written this myself, and I know just how hard it is. I went through so many days crying, hating my life, and feeling like just giving up. It's so so hard and I am sorry you are going through it. I don't have much advice except to stick to your night time routines to free up some time for yourself in the evening and to teach your child/Ren to be more self sufficient (dress themselves, make small snacks, etc, any thing that they can do for themselves will help you) ..it's a lot of work at first but I PROMISE it gets so much easier. Hang in there. You're not alone, and your child will be so grateful for your efforts one day. I don't even know how I made it through the last 5 years and today I feel like it made me a better, more patient and kinder human...and a really kick ass mom. I hope it gets better for you 💖
@simpleinchrist1 You’re probably angry at God now and questioning why all of this is happening to you and how unfair it is when everyone else is doing fine (in your view), but I would encourage you to go to a church and join the singles or women’s ministry and get some support. Try to get out of the house with them too and make some new friends. The church may have a food pantry and other services they can offer you or connect with people who can help. Things won’t change if you don’t try to make any. I wish you the best. Don’t give up yet. You’ll come out of this much stronger.
@simpleinchrist1 I gotchu right here, I'm in same boat often the struggle is easier if I distract myself somehow, someone wise told me don't forget to force myself to have some fun...I was almost gasping when she said that- but processing overnight and I began to really think about how do I hsbe fun... how do I even feel "fun" anymore... and after attempts ending feeling stupid and fake and not feeling it I still don't give up.. now I almost have a bit of fun even if it's just with my kiddo if this is all that my life is for- those laughs with my lil had been worth it... we can't give up. I don't want to mk this about me- just thought I'd pass on the reminder how vital to our dopamine and serotonin levels it is to force ourselves to look for and find some type of fun even in mundane miserable situations as impossible as it seems... it's doable. You are wonderful and motherhood is challenging af at times... your not alone- 🫶
@simpleinchrist1 I hear you, i have been so exhausted sometimes. I feel so alone. I feel afraid something would happen to me, who would look after my kids? Been crying in the shower a lot. Its better now though, my kids are teens now and dont pour detergent down the drain.......

big cyber hugs!!!!!!
@simpleinchrist1 I can honestly say I feel for you ! Every night you sit and wonder why we feel the way we feel ? We know what needs to be done and we can’t do it ! Crying is fcking exhausting! Never knew a guy could cry so much ! I know how you feel ! I look at my kids and think they deserve so much better than I can give them !! I get it !! They are the reason I push to the next day !! I gotta get back to the dr and get back to my meds no need to explain why cause it’s long story but either way you need to see someone you can talk to someone you don’t know that don’t know you ! And get meds some people like to say oh meds are the governments way to whatever !! Well it helps so if you want to be better get on meds they’ll balance out the chemicals your lacking and having to much of and help you deal with this fcked up of a so called life we live!!
And just so you know your alone… there are a lot of us out there suffering the same symptoms … you come to a good place for support !! Don’t give up !! Kids they are ruthless and will strum every nerve we got but we don’t need our kids to survive! But they do need us to survive !! Keep your head up one day at a time !!
@simpleinchrist1 We ALL get to that point. NEVER, EVER GIVE UP!! We're here for you to talk to. GOD has a plan!! He wants you to continue to fight. I look in the face of my kiddo and I know why I continue to fight!! Believe in his will for you. It takes time.🙏🏿🙏🏿
@simpleinchrist1 I understand. Overachiever here. Single mom Rn. Was working 12 hr shifts 3 days off 1 day back 12 hrs for three more days for most of my daughter’s life ( she’s 11 now) almost no family assistance. Crashed when she was 8 during Covid; quit my job.. moved to Mexico for 6 months and just sat .. I was exhausted. Came back I work less just getting settled into not being completely overwhelmed… and I find out I have an aggressive form of breast cancer… Value your health. Love your children as best you can; this too shall pass.
@simpleinchrist1 I tried to give you a few times.. The only people I was hurting were my children because they were like why mommy doesn't want to be here with us anymore… now my kids see a therapist and psychiatrist because of my immaturity. Now I’m taking medicine just to help me cope with every day of my life.… I have to look at my children and just say sorry to them for what I have put them through.… we live in section 8 housing at least we have a house.. I am thankful and blessed so what I can tell you to do is to get you a team therapy and psychiatrist. I go to the gym to help me cope with the stress because I don’t have any friends. I know how you feel
@simpleinchrist1 Hey I will help u with anything u might need in life because I know it's hard and. I have 2 daughters that I raise by myself so I know the struggle so if u need any advise or just a helping hand feel free to call me 4052614379